what to buy PS3 or xbox 360

My choice...

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Broken In
hi guys...so after some really hard savings m having enough to buy a ps3 or xbox 360 but m really confused...should i buy xbox if yes then which one core or premium or should i go for ps3...help in deciding folks
hi guys...so after some really hard savings m having enough to buy a ps3 or xbox 360 but m really confused...should i buy xbox if yes then which one core or premium or should i go for ps3...help in deciding folks
PS3, because it has an extremely advanced hardware compared to the Xbox. You can even install most of the available OSes in it, which is a feature that the Xbox lacks.

Xbox has a hardware thats simple enough to emulate in a processor like Q6600 in the near future.

But PS3 hardware is insane. Go for the PS3, and install an OS(like ubuntu) in it. Then it can even play PC games like GTA(through wine), Urban Terror, Counter Strike: Source(through wine), etc and when an Xbox 360 emulator is released, you can run it within the OS that you installed in the PS3.

PS3 is the most future proof of the two.


Unmountable Boot Volume
But PS3 hardware is insane. Go for the PS3, and install an OS(like ubuntu) in it. Then it can even play PC games like GTA(through wine), Urban Terror, Counter Strike: Source(through wine), etc and when an Xbox 360 emulator is released, you can run it within the OS that you installed in the PS3.

No man, there's no access to the graphics core in the PS3 via alternate OS. You can only run basic no 3D accelerated stuff. So, no 3D games can be run on linux in PS3


Unmountable Boot Volume
any workarounds ?

Not yet. Because all the interaction between the OS and the PS3 hardware goes through something called hypervisor which stops access to the PS3 RSX. There has been lot of people signing a petition asking Sony to open up the RSX but then Sony has genuine reasons to block access to the same. Please do a bit of googling to find out more info.


A Year Closer To Heaven
@MetalHeadGautam: What the hell are you talking about?

Care to back up those statements with any solid facts?


A Year Closer To Heaven
Dude, those are pretty heavy claims that he was making. You don't go around spouting facts like that if you are not sure about the validity of them. That too in a thread where some one is asking your guidance to base his near 20k investment on! There is got to be some accountability if you ask me.



Gonna make it BiG
@Cyrus_the_virus, hey man can ya pls post some links about how foreign os'es work on the ps3 architecture?
When you can install the os, why can't ya utilize the hardware resources??? is it due to lack of drivers?
Seems quite interesting...


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
go for ps3 here is why ( this is my p.s view)

1.) hardwarevice its very future proof
2.) blu ray player...
3.)extreme support for video files like avi, divx, mpeg4 etc..
4.)replaces regular DVD player in many way and even supports blu ray profile 1.1 ( if my knowledge is right ) .. so u dont need to invest in a separate bluray player
5.)support for OS installation.. which virtually replaces ur pc.. coz in future there will be more homebrew softies, and workarounds...


A Year Closer To Heaven
I agree with only 1 and 2. Rest all is not that important or can be done by your PC already, sometimes, even better.


Wise Old Owl
figure it out yourself-
1.go to planet m or music world or any other place with both consoles
2.see gaming titles-especially the future ones for PS3 and xbox too (coz hardware wise both can display games gloriously irrespective of ps3's capabilities)
3.if its just gaming-choose with just the above criteria
4.if u r crazy abt getting all the PC kinda feeling with a console like installing linux,etc-don't hesitate to get a PS3

5.both consoles can play movies in xvid formats , PS3 has a Blu ray advantage,Xbox has DVD only (forget HD-DVD)
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Bond, Desi Bond!
+1 for PS3. It has finally made some ground and some good gaming titles are coming out. No looking back. Moreover it comes with bluray player (standalone player costs around 250$). On the other hand, Microsoft has HD-DVD, which has dug it's own grave and has become history.


Unmountable Boot Volume
@Cyrus_the_virus, hey man can ya pls post some links about how foreign os'es work on the ps3 architecture?
When you can install the os, why can't ya utilize the hardware resources??? is it due to lack of drivers?
Seems quite interesting...

Installing Yellow Dog Linux on the PS3

Installing Ubuntu 7.10 on PS3


Petition to Enable Sony PS3's RSX under Linux

Linux users have launched and spread an online petition for Sony to allow access to the PS3's Nvidia-sourced GPU to the Linux operating systems. Sony has made an option in the PS3's XMB(XrossMediaBar, the user interface) menu for installing other operating systems, including Linux.

However, it has currently implemented a hypervisor that restricts access to the RSX in order to block individuals from creating "homebrew" playable content for PS3s that access sophisticated rendering and physics libraries available only to licensors. Among the distributions running on the playstation, there are Ubuntu, Fedora Core 5, Gentoo, Debian and Yellow Dog. Sony has also added the possibility for firmware updates to be downloaded and run on the PlayStation 3.

More PS3 resources:



Techtree Reviewer
One more vote for PS3 from me. Its a complete entertainment centre. You can play PS3 and some PS2 games on it, you can play blu-ray and DVD movies on it, music and even install linux on it. Plus it also has a web browser and wi-fi and has card reader and USB slots. Also earlier it was a bit behind in game performance compared to 360, but in all the newer titles their performance is absolutely the same. Its the best buy. The fact that its an excellent blu-ray player alone makes up for its price.


Google Bot
IMO Go for the Xbox 360. More Titles FTW!! :D
And yea If you want a Blu Ray player then go for the PS3.


Wise Old Owl
now let me tell you that PS3's hardware does not signify that it will be future proof (except blu ray player) - it depends more on number of games and released- Xbox is getting more than 50 titles this year.it also depends on launch of next Xbox (bcoz sony will have to launch PS4) .. a similar Proof is PS2's still existence with obsolete hardware
Xbox's HD-DVD was never going to have games,that is all clear-it was stated on the launch that Xbox will always use DVD 9s.

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
I'd say go for the Xbox 360 . More Titles available , much more titles available here in India .

here in lko , Landmark(Tata's Retail Chain) stocks both PS3 n X360 . but it has like 9 PS3 games on stock and 50+ Xbox 360 games on stock .

Xbox has the best online game service right now . Xbox Live pwnz everything right now.

Also , anyone saying that the PS3 is more advanced than the Xbox 360 , eat your words .

The CEll processor is optimized for "streaming Floating-point" calculations , which make up barely 5% of all the operations , whereas the majority are load, store, integer, branch, etc . PS3’s CPU is optimized for streaming floating-point, with 87.5% of its cores good for streaming floating-point and nothing else

So this makes the cell well suited for video playback and networked waveform analysis .

So for game programmers , the Xbox's Optimized , Unified Shader Architecture GPU is much better.

Unified Shader Architecture means that a Shader can be used either as a Vertex Shader or a Pixel Shader depending on the need . Whereas the PS3 has a fixed number of Vertex and Pixel Shaders .

Just see the PS3 vs Xbox 360 Graphics Comparison conducted by Gamespot and See for Yourself which is better .


SpiderMan 3:

Virtua Tennis 3: Notice the net
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Unmountable Boot Volume
@Zeeshan, that's the most lamest comparison I've ever seen! What happened? you couldn't post any high end games which show the ps3 is better? lol...



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