Ubuntu Gutsy to be released today!

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dig_boy_dig,dig !
Yestarday I downloaded Kubuntu 7.10 from below link and iso corrupted. *th.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/gutsy/kubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso

Originally Posted by praka123
will forcing torrentclient for kubuntu able to fix errors in iso?

After getting above hints now I tried to download it through utorrent and it starts downloading through FDM.(link :*www.mininova.org/get/946893) Within in a minute it shows 99% downloaded and some 1 mb (approx) downloaded and download completed.
But the size of the file remains same i.e 713876 KB. Now My question is may iI again try to burn it to CD and try to install it ?


Commander in Chief
Yes its now fixed. You can also test it by readding it to the torrent list, it'll auto verify the MD5 again, to be safe. Now you can burn a perfect copy :)


die blizzard die! D3?
you can try the iso image in VM ware or Virtual box.90% chances are that errors in iso image have been removed.....I think you can burn it onto cd safely.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
QwertyManiac said:
Yes its now fixed. You can also test it by readding it to the torrent list, it'll auto verify the MD5 again, to be safe. Now you can burn a perfect copy :)

Presenty I am logged in Win OS. How to test it by reading it to the torrent list. I have utorrent installed in Win XP os.

The_Devil_Himself said:
you can try the iso image in VM ware or Virtual box.90% chances are that errors in iso image have been removed.....I think you can burn it onto cd safely.
About these 2 things I have no idea. will u pl explain me in sort ?

Also may I upgrade the existing 7.04 with 7.10 with the live CD. what is the procedure ?
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left this forum longback
hey!i think if utorrent downloaded 1mb and completed means now the iso is ready.i think u can open iso using some utilities in windows or isomaster in linux.
u can verify download using md5sum of iso.there may be utilities for windows to see md5sum of iso.btw,original md5sum for kubuntu is listed in the download page.


die blizzard die! D3?
@skghosh:forget everything man burn the image onto a cd at low speeds(20x-24x) and install....I am 100% sure there wont be any problem.


left this forum longback
kubuntu md5sum:
burn at 12x or less.select "disc-at-once" and enable overburn


left this forum longback
I know only the linux way :( in linux u have to:
md5sum /directoryofiso/kubuntuxxx.iso
^will throw the md5sum.compare it with *se.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/gutsy/MD5SUMS
12x or below speeds for good buffer.
i dont know windows ways/


die blizzard die! D3?
man its way difficult in windows you have to download a small utility and then make use of commandline to find out the md5 checksum.

I think he don't need to find md5 manually cos this is what utorrent has done already.SO IMO he can burn the image and start installing.


left this forum longback
BTW,i forgot to mention that u can fix this if in linux via "wget -c *kubutu.iso " by selecting the correct iso for download in a terminal and cd into the directory where the kubuntu.iso u downloaded rests.but now this is offtopic.leave it and proceed to burning @skghosh44.sir,are u born in 1944?


dig_boy_dig,dig !
Earlier I have burned the CD Default writing speed 52x. But when actual burning it shows 18x speed. But u are all saying burning at 12x or less. OK I will try that. But the MD5SUM I could not understand


Yep. Before burning the CD, check for md5sum of the downloaded file. md5sum lets you know whether the downloaded stuff is corrupted or not. This is done by comparing the md5sum of source with downloaded stuff md5sum.
More at: *en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Md5sum


dig_boy_dig,dig !
@skghosh44.sir,are u born in 1944?
No sir, while I was registered with this forum at that time I have an email ID for ease of use I used that email ID here. By the way today is my actual Birth Day. 19th October, here in forum it is 27th oct.(certificate date) for more check PM.


Commander in Chief
Dolphin is crappy :( Doesn't show up icons at times. Important parts of it just don't catch my eye. The Breadcrumb bar for example, it could be hell better than to blend with its surrounding. Gah .. 1 more hour of downloading KDE4-Base-DEV though ...


dig_boy_dig,dig !
After re-burning the live kubuntu CD I tried to install the Distro and fails installating after 82%. This time without msg. There is no CD ROM/HDD activity in the installation point. Now I donot even boot into Windows Also due Grub err -15. I am writing these thread from Kubuntu 7.10 live CD.
Please advice me now what to do.
Here is the unedited screenshot
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