IIT-JEE problems


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1000 is really being optimistic.it'll be between 1-2k.so let's see.you giving bits seriously,right?


BIOS Terminator
IIT JEE 2011 cutoff | Ankur Mittal
i am giving BITS(mine on 25th this month) seriously. but i think i will be relaxing for 3-4 dayz, get my PC monitor repaired, play with ubuntu 11.04, etc :). what about u?


Exams Exams Exams AGAIN
My exams are over.not eligible for bits as I don't have 80% pcm.so I'm a free bird now.I asked abt bits coz just wanted so say concentrate on it.you said something abt iiit,but I'd say bits pilani is better.bitsat is a very easy exam and you can score high.I'm experimenting with a brand new HTC desire s.also laptop hunting coz i'll need one in iit.but i can only buy it after the jee admission.sad really.

And nims,pls see the aieee cutoff for 2011 on the same site.the guy is giving predictions for more than 360 marks.

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
294 with a margin of 10 marks either side.it's a in between score.not too high,not too low.but again,it presents the question of whether I will have to compromise on branch or campus.coz comp in old iit's mostly close in top 1000.and my rank looks like will not be in top thousand.so waiting for 25th may.

Candidates are shortlisted for Board Exam performance and after that on related field knowledge credentials after JEE Ranks for selection.


BIOS Terminator
My exams are over.not eligible for bits as I don't have 80% pcm.so I'm a free bird now.I asked abt bits coz just wanted so say concentrate on it.you said something abt iiit,but I'd say bits pilani is better.bitsat is a very easy exam and you can score high.I'm experimenting with a brand new HTC desire s.also laptop hunting coz i'll need one in iit.but i can only buy it after the jee admission.sad really.

And nims,pls see the aieee cutoff for 2011 on the same site.the guy is giving predictions for more than 360 marks.

yeah, just saw that, :lol:. my bad.
i am pretty sure to get 90% in PCM in boards time so i will be giving it seriously. i also have manipal on 19th but that is just for "timepass"

Candidates are shortlisted for Board Exam performance and after that on related field knowledge credentials after JEE Ranks for selection.

what are you saying, didnt get it?


Exams Exams Exams AGAIN
Even I didn't get what he's saying.but as far as I know,boards don't play any role in jee.you give your choices,and send it to them,then they allot you a seat.I mean if a guy has say cse for boards but doesn't get a good rank,he can take civil or mech.


@priyu you will easily get rank with in 1000. If you will last year closing and opening ranks then you will see IIT G ranks of closing of CSE were about 1500 and ECE 1800. So don't take so much of tension. Also you are getting good marks in AIEEE and your rank will be under 2k then prefer IIIT Hyd. It's CSE is best in Asia. Better than any IIT.

I m getting 263 marks in AIEEE hope I will get under 1000 or atleast 2000, to get ECE in DCE or NSIT or NIT WARANGAL


yeah, according to entrancecorner.com, i should get between 3.9k to 4.4K. lets hope that there is something wrong in their algo because i wanted below 3.5K(to get CS in IIIT-H)

thats great!! you should easily get around 2K

can you post the link of engentrancecorner.com rank predictor, i am not able to find it??


BIOS Terminator
can you post the link of engentrancecorner.com rank predictor, i am not able to find it??

enggentrancecorner:AIEEE 2011 Cutoff | AIEEE 2011 Cutoff Marks | AIEEE 2011 Cutoff list

AIEEE 2011 Rank Predictor Powered by RESONANCE


Cyborg Agent
Hey Guys,

I want your views on this...



Hey everyone, JEE 2011 answers are out released by IITs. And there are 3 questions that are wrong. All three are from Mathematics. Hence, marks to all.


BIOS Terminator
hey guyz, which AIEEE rank predictor is good according to you? i have tried 4-5 which gave varying results! btw counseling data for ccb-2010 is out.

The Conqueror

Elevating Humanity
Hey guys..Now I'have just started preparation for JEE.

At present practicing Chemical Kinetics.
Some problems:
The rate constant for a zero order reaction is 2 x 10^-2 mol L^-1 s^-1.
If concentration of reactant after 25 s is 0.5M, the initial concentration must have been
a)0.5 M
b) 1.25M
c) 12.5M
d) 1.0M

I'm not getting this one:
The activation energy for a reaction is 9 kcal/mol. THe increase in rate constant when temperature of reaction is increased from 298K to 308K is

Hey everyone, JEE 2011 answers are out released by IITs. And there are 3 questions that are wrong. All three are from Mathematics. Hence, marks to all.

I wonder if it will create any difference for the rankings?
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