Dragon Age II


hmmm... not many.. i only played dragon age: Origins and awakening, ME 1 and 2 where decisions matter. Played diablo 2, dungeon seige2, torchlite and fate too.. where there was nothing of decisions :).
Anyways, completed DA2 in 34hours (ending stated all of a sudden, couldnt finish last 3 sidequests). Had saves during the cruicial points, so tried playing them, as well as tried starting as mage instead of warrior/rougue. Got the different possibilities that the game could have turned out. And my verdict : disappointing ending. DAO lot better and vast than DA2. This looks amateurish compared to DAO. But does have a lot of cinematic moments and twists of tale, more than DAO, so still enjoyable :)


Living to Play
Well you have played many. Hey try out Elder Scrolls Onlivion GOTY edition damn good RPG from bethedasoft. I think best RPG for decisions is Mass Effect series because each and every decision you take have a direct impact on the story and next game well not completely but then it does the job.


In the zone
Well you have played many. Hey try out Elder Scrolls Onlivion GOTY edition damn good RPG from bethedasoft. I think best RPG for decisions is Mass Effect series because each and every decision you take have a direct impact on the story and next game well not completely but then it does the job.

If you're interested in something older but better , here's how I rate the Elder Scroll series :

Daggerfall > Morrowind > Oblivion

Note : Daggerfall is a great game, but was buggy as hell when it was released - patches eventually came and made it playable. It also has the biggest gameworld out of the 3 (487,000 square kilometers , 15,000 cities,villages and towns in that mess)

Here's a wiki link for Daggerfall if you're interested (game's over 11 years old)
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's get back to Dragon Age 2 now.


Living to Play
Tachyon1986 said:
If you're interested in something older but better , here's how I rate the Elder Scroll series :

Daggerfall > Morrowind > Oblivion
Well I can go back for about 5 to 6 years only before that game's graphics are not good and you know after playing graphics glory games those become quite unbearable.
If I could go back much then I had played Diablo 2 but I haven't.


Wow.. daggerfall's got graphics like the Wolf 3D i used to see as a small kid.. the big kids played in their pcs :D Really.. after seeing this much graphics in games, its kinda hard to play with those graphics. Atleast it shouldnt be pixellated... :(
Actually, i did try Oblivion. Not GOTY edition... dont remember why but i didnt play it after sometime. I reached outside the castle and then.. got bored... or got some other game.... was a long time back. :)
BTW... i failed to mention, i played around 40 hours of fallout 3 :D... After that my system crashed and didnt want to play from the start again!!! :'( Loved the game though.


Living to Play
^^ I can give you my saves for that. Try that game again you won't regret. Both the games are awesome Oblivion and Fallout 3.


Yeah.. i would like that actually... :)
I dont have crysis 2 yet... so have some free time. Can you share your save game for fallout 3? i'll try and install this weekend.


Living to Play
^^ Thanks will try that. Actually save files are about 200 MB and that would take a hell of time to upload but will try that foe sure.


Hey thanks, but 200 MB is quite a huge size.:(
Anyways, i completed dragon age again. Taking all new options... but not a lot of difference in the end results. I was expecting a bit more.


Living to Play
So you want those or not because 200mb is quite large to upload for me too so tell me if you want. If you want then I'll upload it tonight when I have nothing to do for sure or its cool.


Naah its cool.. dont upload it. I dont think i'll be playing it as of now. I am watching Bleach from the beginning. And plan on getting Crysis 2 soon. So, dont upload anything as of now. I have my hands full for the moment. If i play fallout 3 again, ill surely need ur save game and will ask you :)
Thanks :).


Staff member
okay guys, so i am getting bloody owned this game. It's like every fight after that fireball throwing demon is getting more difficult. Playing on normal difficulty.

I am new to this kind of game. Not able to control characters efficiently.


Human Spambot
Define tactics to the other characters, so that they will take care of basic things like refilling health, mana, getting their asses out of the place when they are surrounded, etc.

Second, pause a lot ( Not 'Esc' pause 'space' pause :p ). Its like this.... Pause... give commands for each and every character, soon after they have done their deeds... pause again for issuing new commands.


Living to Play
Faun said:
okay guys, so i am getting bloody owned this game. It's like every fight after that fireball throwing demon is getting more difficult. Playing on normal difficulty.

I am new to this kind of game. Not able to control characters efficiently.
Yeah its a kinda problem with new players of this tyoe of game don't worry you'll get used to it. Although I have completed this game but still I can give you some basic tips.
1. Use Tactical system(don't remember the name). It is used to give pre defined orders to your squad like using heal potion if their health goes below 75%. Giving a special move to perform for a specific situation.

2. There are three type of class in Combat
a) Tank - He soaks most damage from the foe and keep him busy while others attack the foe. Tank should be good in defense Warrior is preferable for this job because of their shield tree and encouraging enemy to attack them.

Also make sure to use spacebar button a lot as this pauses the game and gives you full control over characters.
Well for me this game is like walk in a park as this is lot easier than DOA.

b) Damage Dealers - These are usually any class but with good attributes for damage than defense as in Tank case. They deal most damage to the foe as Tank is attracting the foe's attraction.

c) Healer - Now this have to mage and only mage and this is very important. Job of healer is to make sure that hte team survives no matter what. He have to heal the warrior or make a Heroic Aurora around him and heal damage dealers as they attack. If foe catch someone then he have to heal him fastly so that he survives and meanwhile damage dealers have to try to stun foe so that he leaves party member.

Make sure you give attributes carefully. For warrior strength is very important and the constitution as he must have a large amount of health and damage protection.
For rouge its dexerity and cunning for maximum amount of damage
For mage its as usual stamina.

In combat you have to put Tank in front of enemy and use his shield and all damage protection abilities to make him survive and meanwhile damage dealers have to blow the sh1t out of foe because tank is not going to last forever and if he dies then war is over and the same time healer have to heal them regularly use stamina potion for mages to fill up their their bars. And make sure that everyone is alive because these three classes are damn important and very connected to each other that if anyone dies then others are gone for good and you can't help it. And thats the beauty of this game to control whole squad and use them effectively.
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