Apple Pulled Up In Taiwan For Interefering In Pricing


Sith Lord
Staff member
Haters gonna hate
Dont see noob/ cong voting / classy ios users comparing. Donno what problem haters have with an ecosystem they dont even use.


Wise Old Owl
Please refrain from pulling off cheap tricks like "Apps lag in Android" with out any proven grounds .Dont make me dislike apple:lol:


Haters gonna hate
Dont see noob/ cong voting / classy ios users comparing. Donno what problem haters have with an ecosystem they dont even use.

I don't use the ecosystem because it is closed and won't allow me to do normal work on a daily basis. hence, I hate it too.
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Aspiring Novelist
Haters gonna hate
Dont see noob/ cong voting / classy ios users comparing. Donno what problem haters have with an ecosystem they dont even use.

what exactly was your role here in this thread? just saying "Haters gonna hate" here and there is not enough. this thread is not about of the quality/quantity of apple products they produce. no doubt they produce quality products . i guess nobody will deny that. but the pricing strategy they adopted is pure stupid. and now they hasn't let three local telecom service providers in Taiwan have the final say for the setting the sales price. why do they do that? what exactly was their intervention? it is not the quality of their product which makes many people to hate apple. there is no hatred in this regard. but the real hatred comes due to their pricing and their deeds like the thread title says. dont you agree?


Ambassador of Buzz
The most idiotic sentence i come across forums is "Haters gonna hate". The person thinks that now that he has uttered this sentence, somehow he has won the debate without posting anything substantial to back up his choice.


Conversation Architect
fine. you have no love for apple. apple's contracts with taiwanese providers have nothing to do with how the device works. who even analyses or consider these things for any other oem.
then at least discuss the ecosystem you do love, why worry about apple at all. what is to be achieved by actively hating it

what makes android cheap is google ads, and apple has much reduced interest in pushing ads to your devices. can't escape it even with cyanogenmod, jailbreaking an ios devices gets rid of most so called limitations. think about that before calling everyone who uses an apple device isheep, fanboys, noobs, hipsters, technologically unwise, congress vote bank...

you took up the subject of hate by saying your trademark "haters gonna hate" comment. what you failed to see is why people dont like apple.

and i have had my fair share of android usage,a nd i havent seen any kind of google ads on the OS.
and i am not only talking about iphones. i bring in macs too. infact i was specifically talking about mac pc/lappy.

I dont know this...I dont care.Marketing gimmick, or CPU or hardware. What i know is there is this app kids song machine which i use on ios and android both.
You try it too.
Even on Quad core Mobile with Dedicated graphics it shutters and almost is very very gittery. On very very old 3gs iphone it plays so buttery, so smooth.

Not only this...take most software on google play and iOS. The difference is there.

thats due to iphones being closed hardware.. apple has maybe 5-6 [guessing :p] models of its phones with the exact same hardware which use a dedicated OS. that makes it immensely easy to optimise the software to the hardware level, optimise every command execution, cpu timings etc.

android has thousands of mobiles with varying h/w. do you think its possible to optimise the code for each and every model??? thats why app run smooth on some, and jittery on others..

I want to so agree with you about the Value for money and Apple being shrewd tactics and all and how only how fanboy could love apple.
But try telling it to my daughter who calls it a night with ios apps and her day shuffling so effortlessly between iphone and ipad.

I wanted to tell her that the specs of my mobile and Android tabs blows the Apple out of water but in her world it hardly makes a difference....

For all the kids Toca Boca apps and n number of Apps out there made by Apple is what they want.What runs it is not there cup of tea. How it runs is all they care for.....

For that kid in my house,my Heart simply refuses to Hate Apple. :) Peace...!

you are taking off in another direction, i feel. :|


I just checked, the free version of that app works fine on a two year old single core 832 MHz Galaxy Y with 512 MB ram (290 MB accessible) on rooted stock Gingerbread (2.3.6).

so either you mentioned the wrong app or you didn't actually use it on a standard Quad core device like Nexus 4.

yeah.. prolly trolling. :D

Sure a fanboy. Nobody can troll and fail at this level.

:lol: //

Haters gonna hate
Dont see noob/ cong voting / classy ios users comparing. Donno what problem haters have with an ecosystem they dont even use.


you brought up that hate term. and now its snowballing.

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and i have had my fair share of android usage,a nd i havent seen any kind of google ads on the OS.

I haven't seen any ads too.
that kid went full stupid with that hairstyle. :rofl:


this thread is not about of the quality/quantity of apple products they produce. no doubt they produce quality products . i guess nobody will deny that.

As an app maker for both platforms and using both ecosystem on everyday basis I would very much like to deny that. Apple used to make quality products. I would agree iPhone 4S (iPhone 5 might qualify as well) and iOS 6 was the best thing happened to Apple. Now a days Apple makes gimmicky product (And being very neutral I must say Samsung does the same). Only products I see that I can accept to be good now are Nexus products, Moto X, Moto G and some of HTC and LG products.

thats due to iphones being closed hardware.. apple has maybe 5-6 [guessing :p] models of its phones with the exact same hardware which use a dedicated OS. that makes it immensely easy to optimise the software to the hardware level, optimise every command execution, cpu timings etc.
Totally agree. Also I have listened many times that Android is trying to compete Apple with powerful hardwares and I am always unable to make them understand the same thing about fixed hardware part you already mentioned also is there anyone in the world forcing Apple not to use powerful hardwares. Comeon!!
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Aspiring Novelist
As an app maker for both platforms and using both ecosystem on everyday basis I would very much like to deny that. Apple used to make quality products. I would agree iPhone 4S (iPhone 5 might qualify as well) and iOS 6 was the best thing happened to Apple. Now a days Apple makes gimmicky product (And being very neutral I must say Samsung does the same). Only products I see that I can accept to be good now are Nexus products, Moto X, Moto G and some of HTC and LG products.

ios 7 was buggy that does not mean that the hardware quality is also poor.


Sith Lord
Staff member
and i have had my fair share of android usage,a nd i havent seen any kind of google ads on the OS.

I haven't seen any ads too.
hmm. theres an ad in the bottom of the screen in plague inc. its a 55 rs purchase outright in ios. one example. maybe you ppl are so used to them, you dont even notice them.
when you walk into the store and the sales guy talks about how the android apps are free at best he means piracy and at worst he means ad-supported.
there is a developer page for handling the ads without compromising the experience, there is no such page for ios developers

let's anyway just accept that android or every other operating system is superior to ios in every small aspect
still does not give enough reason to hate less than 3% users locally so much, and what is worse is attaching all kinds of belief systems to these few users that make zero sense. its not like apple users are strutting around with a device and proclaiming publicly to apple here, take all our blood. or for that matter blindly voting to congress.
no reason for this at least


Even though I have never owned an apple product in my whole life, Ill agree with Anorion on this one.. Apple is a company that produces premium phones at premium prices for those that can afford it.. They put so much R&D on a single phone, it's bound to be a good reason why apple phones dont go "outdated" even after 2 or so years..The iphone 4 is 4 years old now and it still supports most of the apps in apple app store..A 4 year old android will struggle to run the latest apps in play store..
Try running GTA san andreas on iphone 4S and Galaxy S2 (Both released in the same year)..
OF course, buying an android gives you more "features" but to a regular guy who doesnt tinker around much, these "features" dont mean anything..
Besides, this
When mobile prices become comparable to two-wheelers, and people still purchase them, it's Hell on earth. I know students who are financially unstable but still keep demanding 4s from their parents because they want Apple. And they openly admit that they want it because it has an apple logo on it!
happens only in india, and id quote
Indian culture is to blame
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Conversation Architect
hmm. theres an ad in the bottom of the screen in plague inc. its a 55 rs purchase outright in ios. one example. maybe you ppl are so used to them, you dont even notice them.
when you walk into the store and the sales guy talks about how the android apps are free at best he means piracy and at worst he means ad-supported.
there is a developer page for handling the ads without compromising the experience, there is no such page for ios developers
Advertising without Compromising User Experience | Android Developers

let's anyway just accept that android or every other operating system is superior to ios in every small aspect
still does not give enough reason to hate less than 3% users locally so much, and what is worse is attaching all kinds of belief systems to these few users that make zero sense. its not like apple users are strutting around with a device and proclaiming publicly to apple here, take all our blood. or for that matter blindly voting to congress.
no reason for this at least

you are going into apps being supported by ads. i se nothing wrong with that. if the consumer is okay with using an app free of cost, with some ads on it, i think its a very good compromise. beats paying money. and thats not just one app. there are plenty.
anyway, i think, when you said google supports android using ads, you meant the OS itself has ads. can you show an example??

what i hate about apple is their pricing. that hardware/software at that price, it just not justified.

Even though I have never owned an apple product in my whole life, Ill agree with Anorion on this one.. Apple is a company that produces premium phones at premium prices for those that can afford it.. They put so much R&D on a single phone, it's bound to be a good reason why apple phones dont go "outdated" even after 2 or so years..The iphone 4 is 4 years old now and it still supports most of the apps in apple app store..A 4 year old android will struggle to run the latest apps in play store..
Try running GTA san andreas on iphone 4S and Galaxy S2 (Both released in the same year)..
OF course, buying an android gives you more "features" but to a regular guy who doesnt tinker around much, these "features" dont mean anything..
Besides, this

happens only in india, and id quote

thats due to iphones being closed hardware.. apple has maybe 5-6 [guessing :p] models of its phones with the exact same hardware which use a dedicated OS. that makes it immensely easy to optimise the software to the hardware level, optimise every command execution, cpu timings etc.

android has thousands of mobiles with varying h/w. do you think its possible to optimise the code for each and every model??? thats why app run smooth on some, and jittery on others..

its what goes one with PS3/XBOX.. since they are a closed environment, the hardware and software stay the same. so its much easier to optimise the program and make sure that an app designed for one system will run the sameway in other. but this does NOT justify the astronomical prices.
even the andriod OS has to be optimised for each model by the manufacturer.

and you think all the app designed generically will run smooth on each specific device??
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