Your views on the influx of AI like ChatGPT?


The Power of x480
Staff member
By now you must have heard of the progression of AI and how the likes of ChatGPT is enabling tech savvies to work faster, while opening the doors for even not so tech savvy to also get work done by providing them tools to assist.

You have AI to assist you code, AI to help you generate art, AI to help you generate logos. With each passing day it's like the phrase "there's an app for that..." is coming true for AI.
Now it's important than ever to have "ideas" then being technically inclined to execute them.

Bill Gates is saying in contextof AIs, and I quote: "In my life time I have seen two demonstrations of technology that struck me as revolutionary. The first time was in 1980, when I was introduced to a GUI - the forerunner of every modern operating system, including Windows. The second big surprise came just last year [...] I knew I had seen the most important advance in technology since the GUI."

So what's the thoughts of fellow 'digitians' about it? Does it scare you? Did you see it as an eventuality? How's your life shaping up to be before and after this AI renaissance?
Let's get started...


The Power of x480
Staff member
I'm not scared. AI is a tool like any other.
So how are you trying to leverage this tool?
Have you tried some of the AIs? Like used ChatGPT to code faster or used Dall-E/Stable diffusion to generate images or logos?


The Power of x480
Staff member
Only time will tell how it will shape up. For now, it is a great tool & the evolution of search engines.
In my experience every decade or so we are watching history in the making.
For eg, 2000 it was Internet which flew off, then in 2009 it was Bitcoin. Now last year in 2022 it was AI which exploded. But I think the progression of AI is going to be different than any other tech. Why? Let me explain.

I saw this graph which said how AI is going to evolve slow, but once it reaches certain point, it's going to go exponential. Here is the article: *

And this is the graph:

And this graph was 8 years ago. For all we know we may still be in "Present day" shown in the graph or we may very well be later in the "correct prediction" path.
Now the longer we jump into taking advantage of AI, we are going to fall way behind. As someone who are in tech space, we have knowledge and experience on our side.
I want to discuss how we can leverage that optimally.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
IMO existing fields where AI can be leveraged will get enhanced. Finance and healthcare come to mind as major fields.


well, biological life forms are fragile anyways, they will go extinct some day. if AI is developed, human legacy of a time will be carried forward by machines.,


The Power of x480
Staff member
How do you think that would happen?
Due to bag programming maybe? Some bug?
Due to the simple fact that a robot wouldn't have "ethics" or "emotion", and it can prove to be very fatal.

One classic example is AI deciding to launch nukes all over the world to save earth in response to fulfil a goal of protecting earth, as it would believe humans are earth's biggest threat.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I doubt self-aware AI is even possible anytime soon. At least not for another 100 or so years. Even then there has to be some project specifically to create self-aware AIs.

And even with self-aware AIs, I doubt any sane person would put a country's nukes in the control of an AI. Like how would you even justify doing that.


The Slowest One
I thought this thread was about aspect of AI intruding in common man's day to day job and may be taking their jobs away or as Desmond said which sectors will benefit most. But this is turning into sci-fi discussion?

Æsoteric Positron

I AM GROOT (and so are you)
How do you think that would happen?
I mean, isn't the topic exhausted by sci-fi movies?
I'm not scared. AI is a tool like any other.
Does it scare you?
I mean, in the short term I think it's going to be a great tool, but, the future does look kinda bleak. Especially for the only kind of jobs we thought were safe. Creative works.
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The Power of x480
Staff member
I mean, isn't the topic exhausted by sci-fi movies?


I mean, in the short term I think it's going to be a great tool, but, the future does look kinda bleak. Especially for the only kind of jobs we thought were safe. Creative works.
Yes the topic is covered extensively in fiction. And that video by CGP Grey was amazing. Baffles me to think it was 8 years ago. Desmond is being naive if he thinks this progression of AI is just a new tool. It's kind of a big deal. And the best part is we can't even imagine how fast we are progressing.

Æsoteric Positron

I AM GROOT (and so are you)
Yes the topic is covered extensively in fiction. And that video by CGP Grey was amazing. Baffles me to think it was 8 years ago.
Yup, it's that's the video which me into the channel, back in the day. Pretty avid fan of his content in general.

Desmond is being naive if he thinks this progression of AI is just a new tool. It's kind of a big deal. And the best part is we can't even
I mean could be hard to see how it's different this time when most of this had been a public concern and major parts of economies didn't come under threat regardless. Though, seeing copilot work in real-time by having it hands on... Yeah, that's made it different for me this time. That could write whole code for a working project in a lang. that I didn't even know with help of just a comment. Unnerving.
Though I still don't imagine the impact would be as sci-fi-y, instead slow layoffs and economic instability could be the most tangible effects (given how many people are aspiring to be to bein the tech industry, and would graduate around the same time when AI matures a little bit.). Other effects could be less tangible but as impactful. Did you write this great speech yourself? Or did u use that AI? How would any human know. Its not like you could search the text up online to check plagiarism. Should you care if the speech is really better? Most of our previous "tools" required hard skills to use and leverage them, the reason this has been so popular is it can be used by anyone, like how calculators still require you to understand the problem and put that into a mathematically computable equation, then and then only you can add or multiply things. Imagine how much skill it would require you to type up the problem and write the result. Currently you still have to proofcheck it, but give the AI few years to mature and this shouldn't be in the speculation section

And the best part is we can't even imagine how fast we are progressing.
Offtopic but, tbh pace of human progess have been just ridiculous, it's a wonder our modern society still continue to work (mostly).

You would be surprised by how dumb humans can be.
Isn't it humans who built the nukes to destroy each other in the first place and refuse to sign a piece of paper to stop it?
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Due to bag programming maybe? Some bug?
Due to the simple fact that a robot wouldn't have "ethics" or "emotion", and it can prove to be very fatal.

One classic example is AI deciding to launch nukes all over the world to save earth in response to fulfil a goal of protecting earth, as it would believe humans are earth's biggest threat.

thats beyond the capability of a single or a few bugs. mass destruction weapons are protocolled with mutiparty keys to avoid accidental launch.

I doubt self-aware AI is even possible anytime soon. At least not for another 100 or so years. Even then there has to be some project specifically to create self-aware AIs.

And even with self-aware AIs, I doubt any sane person would put a country's nukes in the control of an AI. Like how would you even justify doing that.

it's a part of the evolution journey. current hardware doesn't look like capable of harboring self conscious AI, but stuff may get changed if quantum computation is developed.

Offtopic but, tbh pace of human progess have been just ridiculous, it's a wonder our modern society still continue to work (mostly).

Isn't it humans who built the nukes to destroy each other in the first place and refuse to sign a piece of paper to stop it?

humans may just evolve into a centralized/discributed single consciousness in far future with the new development and advancement in networking & connectivity.


The recent advancement in AI is a direct result of several magnitudes of improvements in computing power. Something like ChatGPT could be trained on huge amounts of data because of such processor tech advancement. We can thank companies like Intel, Nvidia (I think chat gpt was trained on nvidia gpus) and AMD for it.
In the end, AI is not a buzzword anymore, it's an abstraction, just like regular data structures are an abstraction. We don't build a queue from scratch every time we need to use them, but we use queues and stacks and hashmaps so much, we can't imagine programming without them.
Eventually, ChatGPT and similar stuff would become abstractions and we will build even more impressive products as a direct result of them being accessible to any person with an internet connection.
I have several interesting project ideas, which I would like to implement one day. The future isn't bleak gentlemen, it's bright as it can be.


The Power of x480
Staff member
Though I still don't imagine the impact would be as sci-fi-y, instead slow layoffs and economic instability could be the most tangible effects (given how many people are aspiring to be to bein the tech industry, and would graduate around the same time when AI matures a little bit.). Other effects could be less tangible but as impactful. Did you write this great speech yourself? Or did u use that AI? How would any human know. Its not like you could search the text up online to check plagiarism. Should you care if the speech is really better? Most of our previous "tools" required hard skills to use and leverage them, the reason this has been so popular is it can be used by anyone, like how calculators still require you to understand the problem and put that into a mathematically computable equation, then and then only you can add or multiply things. Imagine how much skill it would require you to type up the problem and write the result. Currently you still have to proofcheck it, but give the AI few years to mature and this shouldn't be in the speculation section

Offtopic but, tbh pace of human progess have been just ridiculous, it's a wonder our modern society still continue to work (mostly).
You are on point by the fact that slow layoffs and economic instability seems to be most direct and tangible effects of this AI progression. About the part where it's difficult to check if a speech was written by a person or AI, I don't it matters as much as whether the speaker understands it while giving the speech. Problem is when people use AI to help them and don't fact check or understand it themselves before passing it on as their own. AI generated content isn't a problem, people using it judicially is. And if history is any thing to learn from, humans mess up big time there.

We want to get things "quickly" and with little effort. So if we there is something that is making my life easier by writing for us, we would probably "trust" it enough to not reading it ourselves thereby delivering a message that we didn't we didn't have any intention to. What could be worse than that is taking the words of AI to be true. People making the thoughts of an AI to be there own and believing it to be 100% without taking it with a pinch of salt is one of worrisome potential outcome I can see going forward.

Yes, human progress have been outstandingly ridiculous. And this isn't offtopic when it comes to AI so lets discuss it.
If we look at the advancement in technology from say when first operating system was introduced (probably 1956?) to the development of Internet and then WWW and then AI, the span of development is becoming shorter and shorter due to more and more people working on the problems and since we have the compendium of knowledge readily available to iterate upon. Compound in it the fact that AI can now train themselves, it's a little unnerving to think what we will have in just next decade. The pace of development is very rapid. That worries me and I would be lying if I say I am prepared for it.
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