Yod'm 3D !

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Distinguished Member
Yod'm 3D is a virtual desktop manager conceived for Windows XP and Windows Vista.
Like Beryl, on Linux, it is the rotation of a 3D cube which allows you to change your desktop.
How does it work ?

1 - Download Yod'm 3D
2 - Decompress the file in a folder of your choice
3 - Run the program (the first execution can be long)
4 - Push the keys Ctrl+Shift and change your desktop by displacing the cube with your mouse, or by using your left and right keys.

more at *www.crystalxp.net/news/en168-yod-m-3d-windows-desktop.html


Šupər♂ - 超人
Direct 3D error.. I think my old hag's not enuf for this stuff :(
No dedicated video card, PIII.... maan.. my golden lady's gone real old... time for a curvy, young plaything :D

Third Eye

gooby pls
koolbluez said:
Direct 3D error.. I think my old hag's not enuf for this stuff :(
No dedicated video card, PIII.... maan.. my golden lady's gone real old... time for a curvy, young plaything :D
Yod'm 3D requires 3D video card to run.


Cyborg Agent
What is 3D video card?
I tried it earlier but it did not show any such cube though it works & changes desktop from 1-4, gud software to unclutter ur desktop.
I have XFX 7600GT, is that not enough?

Third Eye

gooby pls
ranjan2001 said:
What is 3D video card?

3D video card i.e Graphic Card :lol:

ranjan2001 said:
I tried it earlier but it did not show any such cube though it works & changes desktop from 1-4, gud software to unclutter ur desktop.

4 - Push the keys Ctrl+Shift and change your desktop by displacing the cube with your mouse, or by using your left and right keys.

ranjan2001 said:
I have XFX 7600GT, is that not enough?

You can run this software even if you have nvidia 5200 or ATi 9600.
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Awsome thread man Hats off to you , i was thinking to install ubuntu just for that but dropped my idea


Cyborg Agent
OK ok, I tried it again & the issue seems to be that I have wide screen so it does work perfectly but I have to press up/down arrow keys to reduce & see far image, seems minor issue but otherwise works great on my wide screen, I use 16-20 prgorams & devide them on 4 desktop such as

internet-web surfing/
personal mail & music
& 4th one I keep free for a new program to start if I need.

The link to this & other such shell enhancement utilities were posted here in digit forum where I downloaded these........................thanks for posting it again as many members may have missed it.

Those who have XP CD you can find one suchsame utility from microsoft its free its called powertoys- virtual desktop manager, it does not require heavy graphic card & can work with most onboard card, it shows thumbnails here is the link to that

Topdesk is another vista style 3D, though its not free worth trying.
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