yahoo messenger prob

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one of my friends says that whenever he tries ti send any message,it does not get sent.
i.e. when he presses 'send',it does not appear in the chat window above.
has any1 encountered this problem? he has y. messenger 7.


Broken In
Yahoo! IM 7

Some features of Yahoo! Messenger 7 are not available when you chat with someone with an older version of Yahoo! IM :(

For example, 'Send File' option is inactive when you chat with someone using older version.

I have had this problem due to version difference :(


Ambassador of Buzz
c regardless of what messenger versions the sender and receiver are using...i dont think there are restrictions to level of *messages being blocked* as google360beta told there are some features are disabled..but "send" button being installing might help....and ya regarding offlines...there are some strange happenings sometimes..i keep getting same offlines multiple times
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