Xenforo Feedback Thread


Sony " VA" "IO"
I was inactive on TDF for a while...
A report button for new users so that we can help mods identify the fake accounts.
Copying the username, finding a mod who is online and messaging is a long process.
TDF would be more nice with a stylish and modern theme/skin...this one looks kinda 2010-2012 oldish


Sony " VA" "IO"
I was inactive on TDF for a while...
A report button for new users so that we can help mods identify the fake accounts.
Copying the username, finding a mod who is online and messaging is a long process.
TDF would be more nice with a stylish and modern theme/skin...this one looks kinda 2010-2012 oldish

oh wait the TDF dark looks cooool:wow:
if more smiles (like super in whatsapp) would be nice to see in high quality


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Some of the Xenforo Addons I think is needed here:

Extra Trophies Awarded
Most Followers Member
[Store Product] Image on Signature
Today Birthdays (Todays Birthday)
User Profile Cover (User Profile cover like facebook cover)
Post Thanks Importer (Vbulletin to Zenforo post thanks, importer) Since all our previous posted thanks or likes didn't get imported.
Attention Zero-Posters
Prevent Newbies Posts to Wrong Forum
Birthday Change Style


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Especially for Raabo who said "Likes" could not be imported from dbtech Likes\Thanks to Zenforo.

Some solutions I found on the interwebs.
How to import dbtech likes/thanks to xenforo
XF 1.4 - manually import dbtech thanks
vBSEO Likes Importer


I'm a Wannabe Hacker
Old Youtube tags not seem to be working, but the last 1 is correct. Check this link: Which upcoming movie are you excited to watch....?


  • Screenshot from 2017-05-13 20:30:36.png
    Screenshot from 2017-05-13 20:30:36.png
    124 KB · Views: 196


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Too many addons adds database queries and adds overhead which means slower performance, which would defeat the purpose of moving to xenforo. Let's not get addon crazy just because they're available.

Also, more addons means more things that can break when updating (even security updates), which adds a huge headache for me. So please, only addons that we all want, and preferably need.

@bssunilreddy I saw those options to import dbseo likes. Is it that important to people? The only one of those I haven't tried is the SQL query, which could also break things...


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Old Youtube tags not seem to be working, but the last 1 is correct. Check this link: Which upcoming movie are you excited to watch....?

When did we ever use those tags?

We always used [ youtube ] <code> [ /youtube ] as the tags, right?


The Dark Lord
Staff member
I was inactive on TDF for a while...
A report button for new users so that we can help mods identify the fake accounts.
Copying the username, finding a mod who is online and messaging is a long process.

Why would you report a user? Just report a post, and that's there below every post...


Wise Old Owl
Can the signature be bottom aligned? The post section needs to take up the most space. Currently signature is taking up that space. And i always end up looking at the signature first.


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Nope when in vbulletin we used [video] YouTube url[/video]
I never used that... must have been a vbulletin default. I always used [ youtube ] code [ /youtube ] @ico did you add any other custom BB code to vBulletin?

Can the signature be bottom aligned? The post section needs to take up the most space. Currently signature is taking up that space. And i always end up looking at the signature first.
This is because you guys wanted more details under your names on the left. Only happens when you don't have enough lines in your reply I think...

Yep. See this post of mine?


The Dark Lord
Staff member
Can the signature be bottom aligned? The post section needs to take up the most space. Currently signature is taking up that space. And i always end up looking at the signature first.
Did a dirty css hack, which makes it look a little weird in some instances, but should be more towards the bottom now than before...


I'm a Wannabe Hacker
When did we ever use those tags?

We always used [ youtube ] <code> [ /youtube ] as the tags, right?
I was referring to [video] YouTube url[/video] tag. If you've not checked yet the link, please check again: Which upcoming movie are you excited to watch....? Post #798 & #799. It's using video tags.


Chosen of the Omnissiah

Please at least update these 2 Addons.
[XFA] RM Marketplace (Market Place)
User Profile Cover (User Profile Cover like facebook)

I will never ask for more add-ons, Never ever!
Last edited:


Wise Old Owl
Did a dirty css hack, which makes it look a little weird in some instances, but should be more towards the bottom now than before...

Also can you move other stuff like report buttons and "user likes this" above the signature's horizontal line. After all the report button and "likes this" are for the post not the signature. Signature should be completely independent of other things and totally stick to the bottom.
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