[WP] Pack in inconsistencies, maintain coherence


Sith Lord
Staff member
This is a prompt I saw on reddit a few years ago
"Write a story with as many inconsistencies as possible while maintaining coherence"


The Power of x480
Staff member
"I am a geologist and this is a story of a day me and my cousin built a spaceship together. One afternoon I saw a Pen 4 machine at my friend's house. Clearly my friend needed an upgrade. So I did what a geek does best: Assemble a new PC for myself. Started my bike and rode to Nehru place, the PC hub of Asia. After reaching there I parked my car in the parking lot and went outside the market. A shopkeeper tried to sell me a duffel bag for double the price. So I did what a geek does best: Made him look the price of RAM online and tell him that I need a network card for the best price that he can give. So this way after hours of finding the best deals I finally reached back to my friends place early morning and bought everything from Amazon. Then we went to my garage where we had the PC components lying there, as it was delivered in evening. Together with my friend we assembled every component and finally we had a good looking custom made laptop. So now I had to do what a Geek does best: Find a place to test the assembled jetpack that my friend built for me. I choose Grand Canyon since I always wanted to fly there and measure it's area. So I went there in my helicopter and launched myself in space using the rocket that me and my friend built that day! I will fly away from Earth, till I can look back and see the Earth as a Pale Blue dot, one of the homes of us humans, travelling towards E-69, another planet that we have our home on."

Something like this?
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