worth an upgrade from 6600gt to 6800

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Just wanted to knw is it worth an upgrade from my crrent 6600gt leatek to evga 6800 normal? wat will be the performance change ill notice?? will there be any difference while playing games like fear quake4 etc??? please let me knw thanks...


na i dont think so that its a good change. 6800 plain is 1 of the worst cards in terms of price 2 performance ratio.
6600gt ll b able 2 play q4 easily.the worthy change frm 66oogt ll b 7 series. or at least 6800gt.


hmm, u better stick to what u got, their will be difference in gaming performance, once U enable high AA & Anistropic filtering, but playing games at normal settings of 1024X768, 2X AA & 4 X anis, 6600GT is enough


Ambassador of Buzz
i totally agree with hummer 6800nu is one of the worst card.better stick with ur 6600gt or else if u can than get a 6800gt or above card.


The Hardware Labs
Go for a 6800GS dude (that is if u really really wanna upgrade now).. The leadtek one sells just for 4k more than their 6600gt and its worth every penny u pay. 6600GT has already started struggling in games like F.E.A.R and also this new 6800GS is priced just right. But if u r looking for a real good upgrade i suggest u hold on for the 7800GS as the 6600GT is still very very usable.
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