Wordpress Theme and Google Indexing Problem - Urgent Help

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Friends, I gotta site *tech-baby.co.cc

I recently downloaded Maxima theme from themebin.com. After successfully installing and managing the theme layout I got a problem.

Actually All in One Seo Pack is unable to write the Post Title in the Top of the Title Bar. Earlier I got the following format

Post Name | Tech Baby

But Now I am getting only

Tech Baby

For each and every post. Moreover with please refer to the following screenshot of google Index:


The second Result must be as follows:

Exclusive BlackBerry Storm Screenshots | tEcHBaBY

But it's showing only Tech Baby

The 3rd result is correct as it was indexed by google many days back. I am not sure, but think that some modification must be made in the theme, as this is the case with this theme only. Earlier (rather say 2 day before) there were No problem in writing the post title.

Since themebin.com is down due to Bandwidth Exceeded, I am uploading the theme to rapidshare for reference:

*rapidshare.com/files/149654211/Maxima.zip (63KB)

Kindly help me please, i will be grateful to you

- Wishes :)


Wise Old Owl
Go to Dashboard>>Settings>>All in One SEO and check the box saying Rewrite Titles and then save the settings. And then check your posts for titles. If it does not work still, then report back.



This was checked from the First day when I installed AIOSEO... still rechecked it... Nothing happened... :(


Wise Old Owl
Can you share your login details? I can check from within your wp dashboard for exact problem.

Don't worry...I am a old reputable(others call me) member.


Wise Old Owl
From what I have checked, there was a small bug in the theme's title - I fixed it. But still All in one SEO problem is not sorted out. And seems you are not alone. I checked at wordpress support forums - few users are facing same problem as you are. Latest version of all in one seo does not rewrite titles correctly.

I can suggest a much powerful plugin which can import settings from All in One SEO and offers much more features - *techblissonline.com/platinum-seo-pack/

Its called Platinum SEO Pack. Trust me you won't be disappointed. It has more features than All in One SEO, imports All in One SEO settings and settings page is almost identical to all in one seo too.

I am using this plugin only on my 4 blogs.


Ok I will do so.... I am viewing the Post titles at the top of title bar and you are saying that still there is problem... what is that :?


yes i am installing right now and post as soon as I am done

Immense Thanks for your help and Concern :)

BTW it was hard to recall you from your name that who are you. You are the owner of NSpeaks. I read it Not regularly, but occasionally :)

Installed Platinum, rebuild the sitemap and resubmitted to google

Lets see what happens ;)
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Yup saw that. But Google is indexing the Posts Titles.

Is there any more need to modify the theme?

Here are the Google Indexing Screenshots for the Posts I wrote just after Installing the Platinum Plugin and the Tweaks (if any) You made:
Moreover a Plugin Named Wordpress Stats is also Not functionaing :confused:
Comments Please.... ;)
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