winPPPOE needed... Pleaseeeeeee

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i am a dataone user. i did not got any softwares with my connection. they came, installed every thing and went off. now i dont even have the backup of winPPPOE. so, please if some one has it, can mail me. or if you can tell me from where i can download it i will be very thankful.
please reply...
(OS:winXP SP2)
thank you.

Choto Cheeta

i went through the FAQ section of the RASPPPoE... but it says that winXP supports that PPPoE... but few options r not their in microsofts PPPoE support...

now DataOne UT-300R2 modem that most of us have is just plug n play device... u just turn it on & it gets connected... but here in the FAQ section RASPPPoE says that the software will make the LAN connection to work as dialup connection framework...

so then do we need to configure the modem to support it??

realy is their any direct benifit in speed after installing it??


thank you digen. i downloaded PPPOE from that link.

saurav_cheeta, i don't think there will be any increase in speed after installing PPPOE.

thank you.


Dude its just a PPPOE dialer used for PPPOE connections.It isnt a bandwidth enchancer or a magical bandwidth increasing software.

I believe you have already read their FAQ page so it seems from your earlier post.
The so called "extra" features are nothing but networking options like the MTU which stands for Maximum Transmission Unit which is the maximum size of a packet which may be recieved from & sent to that the network topology can take care of.
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