Windows OS giving me blue dump screen for the past week:cry:

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The Burning Curse
Hello digitians,
There appears to be some serious issue with my desktop machine for the past week. It has been consistently flashing me the blue dump screen and is going in the hanged state after that.

The hardware configuration is as follows:

  • MSI P45 Neo-F mobo
  • Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 processor
  • 500GB WD Sata HDD + 250GB Seagate IDE HDD connected on the IDE Bus
  • 1GB X 2 GSkill RAM chips
  • Nvidia XFX 256MB 8600GT GDDR3 graphics card
  • Remaining peripherals are the usual

The software configuration is as follows:

On C drive Windows XP Professional SP2 with the SP3 update installed

On D drive Windows 7 Ultimate

The things i have done so far are:-

Interchanging the RAM chips to check their individual functionality

Interchanging the DIMM slots in which they are placed

Plus installing the operating systems half a dozen times or so

I have also observed that when the CPU cabinet is in the horizontal position most of the time everything runs smoothly but the moment i place it vertically it gives me some error or another. Moreover each of the dump files shows error in a different root file.

I am confused what exactly could be the problem and in which area: hardware component or software? :cry:
As of now i am still trying to figure out the issue and am using my laptop for most of the activities.

Please help me out of this misery asap....



The Burning Curse
Nope this started way before going dual boot. Btw i had Windows 7 ultimate RC2 installed on the other partition which i completed formatted before installing the final Windows 7 OS on it. Prior to installing any OS i have deleted that partition first and then opted for the long and tiring NTFS formatting.

Also forgot to mention that both the OSes are installed on the 500GB HDD. Can't figure out if there's problem with both the RAM chips or there's something wrong with my HDD. Also most of the partitions on my HDD have less space (like around 700MB-1GB) on them. Does this cause any problem to flash the blue dump screen??


Right off the assembly line
Couple of days ago i picked up my second copy of windows7 home premium . I installed it on my desktop machine as i was satisfied with my first installation on the laptop.
Only within hours of authorizing all the challenge response software[almost about 30 of them] the horror unfolded.. My machine was glitching and sputtering audio[which happens when the computer is low on processing or memory ]. I checked out my task manager .. only to realize that it shows only four cores of my dual quad core setup !.
then it was a long road down to find the rouge element .. i thought it was the BIOS or maybe one of my processors has malfunctioned..
after hours of research on the internet .. thru tech forums .. i figured out.. W7 home premium only runs one physical processor !

So i decided..
Let me go to the Windows anytime upgrade application and just buy the upgrade..
but no!. WAU is only available for US europe and AUS ! not for India .it said contact your local dealer.

i called microsoft tech support.. after putting me hold for about five min.. the C>Care rep says.. sorry sir you cannot run W7 HPre. on dual processor systems.. which i had told her almost five mins before she threw the same ball back at me... i asked her if there is a way i can upgrade.. she says.. we shall soon launch the W7 anytime upgrade program ..but how soon.. she could not promise..!

Next step.. call up my local reseller CROMA . Croma puts me thru their microsoft redis. dept. The call back from their dept. was swift. the guy said he needed to speak to a superior so he said that he would revert in a day .. which is did.. but the answer was.. Sorry sir we cannot offer u an anytime upgrade or a replacement.When i said i don't mind returning the W7HP cd ..
upgrade it in front of their rep .. he said .. sorry sir not possible.. on top of it .. he never let me speak to his boss as well !

Now here is my question.
When i went on the W7 versions official page.. it had not mentioned anything about this . it only compares stupid things like BIT LOCKER APP and DATA Backup utils.. no hardware comparision chart..
Their upgrade assistant does not supply this info as well.
There is no easy way to get this info from the microsoft website .. So how in the heavens was i supposed to know that i should have bought Business or ultimate version in the first place. [and as it adds unnecessary bloat by offering lame extra apps i thought i should stick to a slimmer home premium version]
On top of it .. Microsoft decided i was not fit for an upgrade and expects me to whop up another 10k and buy the business version.
Their service support is like robots programmed to reapeat a set of instructions .

i think if this would have been the case in US or Europe... the **** would have hit the fan by now.. but guess what..this is INDIA>. i guess they still think we are a third world country so this third class customer care .

i request CHip to verify the credibility of my claims and if they think it holds any water.. publish my letter in their mag and let other computer enthus see how Bill gates looks at us .


Super Moderator
Staff member
The universal solution to each and every Windows problem is format and reinstall.
Also, try booting to a Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD. Take your back-up first. If there is any problem with your Hard Disk, Ubuntu notifies you.
i request CHip to verify the credibility of my claims and if they think it holds any water.. publish my letter in their mag and let other computer enthus see how Bill gates looks at us .
Digit. :-D


Aspiring Novelist
I checked out my task manager .. only to realize that it shows only four cores of my dual quad core setup !.
then it was a long road down to find the rouge element .. i thought it was the BIOS or maybe one of my processors has malfunctioned..
after hours of research on the internet .. thru tech forums .. i figured out.. W7 home premium only runs one physical processor !

You have a Skulltrail motherboard...? You have to CPU sockets...?

1. Take out the graphics accelerator, blow a couple of time (hard) into the PCI.E x 16 dock slot. Remount the accelerator.
2. Update to latest nVidia Forceware.
3. Update to latest Dx.

krishna chandra bhatt

Right off the assembly line
bsod comes as an outcome of incompatible driver usually.
1) when it occurs it mentions error code which indicates the faulty driver name>>> uninstall or update that driver.
2) u cn view the reason in event viewer from ctrl panel>>admin. tools>>event viewer>>system log
3) if u r unable to log in then try safe mode to do step 1 & 2
4) check for lose connection of hdd it is generally the main reason if possible try a new connector



The Burning Curse
@krishna chandra
According to the system log: "The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk1\D"
I didn't get what that last D indicates. Is it the D drive on my HDD1 i.e. the 500GB WD hard disk or is it something else.

Plus i have observed from majority of the minidump files that the file ntoskrnl.exe is probably the cause of the blue dump screen. I don't understand what could be the reason for it. As of now i am running my system on 1GB RAM stick and am in the process of deleting both the OS partitions and starting a fresh installation of Windows 7 Ultimate only on C drive to avoid further problems. Then shall plug in the other RAM stick.
I shall try it out and let u know the details about it.

But from the above details can anyone estimate what could be the problem? Is it a software one or hardware problem? All the connectors are well in place but i am not sure if anyone of the RAM slots or RAM sticks have malfunctioned.


Although the symptoms are pointing towards RAM but the problem is in your Hard drive. As mentioned by you that it is of WD make - so go to their website and get a tool to check your Drive for BAD sector errors.

Otherwise you can boot from your windows XP installation CD and using the recovery console run CHKDSK with surface scan enabled as shown below.
ChkDsk C: /f /r

It should fix your problem - If your system is old I will also suggest you to change the SATA cable as well as the power cable for Hard disk.


Right off the assembly line
guys even i have a problem in my comp i get a blue screen of death saying tis
plz see tis img i took wit my camera
and i hav many times reinstalled xp and many times tightened my cables
yeah ta problem gets solved when i tight ta cables near the hard disk.
and i even brought a new hard disk tis prob still continues
my config is
win xp sp 2 , 3 GB ram, Pentium 4 3 ghz,
nvidia 8500 gt 512 mb ,

sir can you plzz solve tis problem
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SUCH A BIG IMAGE - BIG PROBLEM !!:shock::shock::shock:

We have come to know that u have Kodak Easyshare C1013 Digital Camera :-D

But that doesn't solve your problem.

Please remove the big image and post a smaller one - so that the forum is readable.


sry about that i posted a smaller img now


Usually the culprit is mostly RAM so Please Check your RAM.

Further please post all the details of your system - motherboard model, chipset - Bios version.

How old is your system - was it working all right before ? Since when the trouble started ?


Right off the assembly line
ty for replying
yeah i have removed my old 512 + 512mb ram [my ram is 512 + 512mb + 1 gb + 1 gb] now its cming alright but too many hangs
i guess its not completely alright
and my mother board is Intel desktop board d915gav
it is 4years old and it was working alright [but jus once my hard disk got spoiled due to many baad sectors and i hav change to 16o gb and now i changed to 500 gb] this prob started 2 weeks ago
ps.i dont no wats chipset bios


DId it start after putting the new 500GB hdd?

Is it Seagate SATA ?

Sometimes even new hard drives develops bad sectors. I have come across a few 500GB giving bad sectors.

Did you replace your cables with the new Drive? I mean Red colored SATA cable as well as Power supply cable. Since in old systems these cables are responsible for development of false bad sectors frequently. Even if you replace the drive the problem will persist. So I suggest you to strait away replace them.

You can run SeaTools from a bootable CD to check your drive if it is a Seagate make.


brought new data cables but not power cables

Replace the power cables too.

(If you don't have them now then for the time being you can just pull out the cable from the SMPS connector and tighten and re-insert firmly.)

Run Seatools and Check for errors. Normally if +5V connector (RED) is loose, frequent booting and lock-up (HANG) occurs.

Re-installing doesn't work in such cases.
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