, finally DIGIT IS REBORN!!!
I will try to stick to the topic in here.
There are couple of points which I want to mention.
1. Hardware - All are same in terms of components. almost all vendors give you customization options to suite your budget. Apple only have limited models and hence a selling price. I have used many laptops including Mac Book Pro ( I don't own one ) but its the best looking laptop. Macs are expensive, like it or not, debate what ever you can but Apple wont reduce the prices, heck .. they can increase the price and still people will buy the product.
2. Operating System - AFAIK every OS in the market can do what the other competing OS can do. Its all about the end user who feels comfortable using the OS. I hate windows like anything, but its the one which is giving me bread and butter. But I am more comfortable using Linux
3. Software availability - I can browser the interweb, watch movies, create/edit movies, chat with friends, develop software, play games, host websites, edit photos, deploy large RDBMS software in any current generations OS. if you wanna play games then go get a dedicated console.
4. Security - I would say that security issues occur cause of end users stupidity rather than operating systems fault. Yes Linux/OS X does require root access for many commands, but what if the user is stupid to give root access to a script file which just landed in his email?? Yes windows is very vulnerable to attacks, but its the end users responsibility to make sure that doesnot happen. Im also not saying OS X/ Linux is completely secure, It is just a piece of software and it can be broken.
5. After Sales Service: All company have extended warranty for a price, but that doesn't mean that if you drop your laptop when skydiving , the company is suppose to repair you laptop ( if you can find all the pieces )
So at the end of the day, what I am saying is that GO TO THE GODDAMN Showrooms and look at the product you want to buy, They wont charge you a paisa for having a look at their products.
PS: got bored writing this lecture.. please do point out if I missed anything!!