aryayush said:
You know what - every single company in America does that. And they charge more than twice Apple for just a thirty second ringtone of their choosing.
See, selling ring tones is not the problem. But the ability to set your own music files, or that music which u purchased from iTunes & play in iPhone is not available. Thats the problem. In all the other Multimedia phones u can set any mp3 file as a ring tone, but in case of iPhone u have to "purchase" a song which u already own again...that is the problem
I know people who change there ringtone every 3 days. U think they will be happy to buy a new song even if they already own it, every 3 days?
Apple charges you half of that for the whole song and a thirty second ringtone of your choosing.
But doesn't provide us the ability to set our ringtone which we want. Any mp3 of our choice.
Universal and Sony BMG want to make money from the ringtones and Apple can do nothing to stop them doing so.
Yes they can, just follow Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola & give us the ability to set any mp3 as a ringtone.
aryayush said:
Oh, I have JAVA on my phone and I've never seen any decent JAVA application apart from Opera Mini (and maybe the Gmail one).
That & IM+, Morange, Talkonaut etc etc et
Now, Opera Mini itself is heavily inspired by MobileSafari
Wait, Opera used a time machine to come to 2007 & use the Safari browser in iPhone so that they can go back to 2004 & release Opera Mini...u really r on crack boy

The technology is compleately different, the method is compleately different. The data it requirs to see a webpage on Opera mini is 5% of that on iPhone lolz.....MobileSafari sux compared to Opera Mini cos opera mini does the same thing as mobile safari but at lower data download...
Having JAVA slows down the phone
JAVA apps work & communicate directly with the CPU & RAM, & don't need an OS at all....thats why even firmware based phones run them at the same speed as Nokia N73 (although CPU speed matters). You have a C2D in your macbook, why r u worried about Speed when Apple makes there own virtual machine for java according to Mac OS X 
it is impossible to make really great applications using JAVA and therefore, I see no reason for it to exist.
Don't ever say that in front of a JAVA developer like Anuj

Cross-platform compatibility? I don't give a ****! Every Mac user knows that cross platform applications are the worst ones on Mac OS X. I have an iPhone and it has native applications. That's all I care about. Why do I give a damn about whether my application works on other phones or not! I don't care.
Lolz.....developer friends do I have to remind u all again of arya's stupidy & lack of knowledge about how computers work.