why does this happen? configuring...

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i hav been experiencing this for over 4-5 months and wonder y this happens.


i actually didnot click on mindsoft utilities software here. i installed m*crosoft antispyware beta and when it was abt to start, this screen configuring mindsoft.. i get it! this happens at times whenever i start any program. y does this happen. and only mindsoft confiuguration happens all times. also zonealarm when it does antispyware test says mindsoft has spyware and asks for quarantine..(but seems to never do it as it asks me everytime! :D ) does that have to do anything with this??



i dont think that is the reason for the configuration screen to occur. anyways, i hav checked using spybot and microsoft antispyware also. they dont detect any spywares in mindsoft except for zonealarm.. which tells to quarantine that and everytime it checks, it asks for the same... this must hav no relation to it , i guess.



Do you have the Mindsoft software installed on your system? Ive noticed sometimes that this can happen (for me, it was a Finite Element Analysis software called ELPLA)... I think that windows searches for some installation file each time...

If so, run the installation program once more with default settings. Then, before removing the setup files (from CD or harddisk), run the MS Antispyware... If the "configuring..." dialog comes, let it run once completely. Then, next time it should not be a problem...

If you had used it earlier and removed it, try reinstalling and uninstalling... Or use a registry cleaning software to remove traces of the Mindsoft program.



Hmmm....Download Windows Installer CleanUp Utility and run it. Now, look for that Mindsoft entry in the list dispalyed by the tool. If you find it, select it and remove.
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