Why Android smartphones consume more data - Times of India trolling

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Cyborg Agent
Wasn't this the publisher that The Hindu shamed last year by exposing their BT cotton articles ?


All you n00bs get your facts right.. ;)

Androids use more data than iPhones, simply by the fact that more people are using Android phones.


Aspiring Novelist
All you n00bs get your facts right.. ;)

Androids use more data than iPhones, simply by the fact that more people are using Android phones.

how does the number of users affect data usage?? :banghead: so according to you windows os might be using less data than those other os? and what about symbian s40? get your facts right.


Why Android smartphones consume more data - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site

seriously WTF ... such a stupid article was not expected from "Times of India" atleast..

or it looks like someone is being paid for bashing android and that too pointlessly...
Hahaha! Talk about being blind as a bat. If you'd actually read the report, you'd have noticed that it is a New York Times report. So this rubbish about Times of India not meeting your Android-lover expectations falls flat. The NYT report (*bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/12/31/why-do-android-smartphones-guzzle-the-most-data/?_r=0) quotes an Ericsson mobility report, which is a 32-page document by the company which used to be Sony's partner in making mobiles. Please read the report (*www.ericsson.com/res/docs/2013/ericsson-mobility-report-november-2013.pdf) and judge for yourself whether it is trolling or not.

I'm sure you will not read the report, judging by your eagerness to brand this as trolling. So please head to page 29 for the relevant details. It quotes usage on one network in a particular region. Android users consumed 2.2 GB, iOS users 1.7 GB and WP users 1.5 GB. Here is an important paragraph from the report:
Android models have a greater variance due to a larger diversity of device models. In networks where high-end models dominate, average usage on these devices exceeds average iPhone usage. However,when operators focus on the low-end Android segment the average usage is usually lower than for iPhones.

This means that high-end Android phone users consume more data that iPhone users. Everyone knows that high-end Android phones have larger screen sizes than the 4-inch iPhone. Thus, the correlation is simple. Larger screen size leads to more video usage and gaming, leading to increased data consumption (as mentioned in the report).

After a point, you kids need to wonder whether reputed journalists' work is trolling or your own posts are that.

Infractions given to all the spammers in this thread. Enjoy. :)

Oh yes... 2669066-inbeforethelock.jpg


Super Moderator
Staff member
Just pointing out one thing. This might come across as completely unwarranted but...

Few years back this forum used to have genuine discussions rather than kids lulzing around. So everyone needs to cut the crap, grow up a brain, be mature and use head before posting.

Sure everybody loves fun, but this lulzing around has increased so much that it has become a pain in the arse. Someone says something. A kid takes offense. Result = Moderators have to handle a stupid report.

Being funny and having a sense of humour is completely different from lulzing around. Stop this meme culture and be humourous in the genuine way.

No offense to anyone. :)
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