Which software to read pdf in s60v2 phones like n7610 etc ?

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I want a software to read pdf files in s60v2 phones like Nokia 7610 etc .In case there is none please tell me the next best alternative along with details.

Please don't tell me about software which are for N-series or latest mobile phones as they do not work in my phone .

In case any other good software or format is present please comment !!!

I think my cell internal memory is about 7 mb + 512mb chip

Also is there any portable device in 2 to 3k range which can be used to read e-books ( ie i want to only READ books i do not need any other function if applies ),i am pretty fed up from the small screen and button .


CBZ is better than Pulsar
My friend, dere is no big screen for reading pdf.u have 2 go dat small screen option.next best option- a laptop!


CBZ is better than Pulsar
look fellows, here is d catch.
firstly, if u want to read pdf wid pics like comics, u HAVE to use pdf.
BUT, if ur pdf has only text, then u can use a proggy which converts d pdf into a JAR file. u install tht file n read in ur fone. benefit- the JAR file is 10% d size of original pdf. i have lots of novels in tht format in my cell. link here
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