Which Local ISP ?


Back to school!!
Not any Javascript but something like page2... showing at address bar of browser before opening any page.
And a cross sign(may be a pop up not fully opened) on every page showing.
They r tracking us ?
BTW,its by brother using Alliance currently.
I'm not able to connect Alliance from my PC currently cos of MAC binding.
Need to buy a cheap router son I guess.
Damn it, the page pop up thing, its called ui.streamrider or something, it snoops your connection, severely hampering security, so no alliance from me :-x


Sage of the Six Paths
Damn it, the page pop up thing, its called ui.streamrider or something, it snoops your connection, severely hampering security, so no alliance from me :-x

Yes its true, I too wasn't aware of this ****. Btw do you know any cheap modem or something that support 24x7 downloading? I want to use it as a downloading machine.


Back to school!!
So,they can even steal our Online Bank AC ID & pass too including our Privacy ? :shock:
Alliance can send malware/trojan to user PC if they want ?
They can't infect PC if you are running firefox/opera/chrome, but yes, they can steal password, and also keep track of all websites you had visited.


Sage of the Six Paths
^Scary! lol.. I use Key Scrambler since years now, the key stroke gets encrypted everytime you press any key. Anyways I am going back to Aircel 3G and BSNL EVDO after this month.


Wise Old Owl
They can't infect PC if you are running firefox/opera/chrome, but yes, they can steal password, and also keep track of all websites you had visited.

Me and my brother using Firefox.
If they can steal password they might abuse those info too.
How can anyone trust them blindly ?


Right off the assembly line

I don't know anything about what is ping or LOC, so plz treat me as a layman in internet directed language. Anyways I was reading through this thread and saw that this alliance net provider is actually tracking the websites you visit? Is this legal I mean? I currently live in Noida and am using Airtel connection, they too don't indulge in these type of activities do they?

Thank You.


Wise Old Owl
I won't, hence I canceled my alliance connection which was due next month.

Please give me some advice on DO and DON"T.
What kind security should we take while using Alliance ?
We can't change ISP but we must stay alert.


Back to school!!
Please give me some advice on DO and DON"T.
What kind security should we take while using Alliance ?
We can't change ISP but we must stay alert.
Nothing to do, they are intercepting your connections, simple as that.

Always connect with https, and that's the only thing you can do.


Ambassador of Buzz
Well your ISP will "always" know what you are doing on the net, isn't it? I mean, like "always"! They are the ones bringing in the packets you want an they are the ones taking the packets to where you want them to go - so?!!

Not sure what exactly Alliance is doing, but yeah, forcing people to see ads is :x:x - Use a adblocker?


Back to school!!
Well your ISP will "always" know what you are doing on the net, isn't it? I mean, like "always"! They are the ones bringing in the packets you want an they are the ones taking the packets to where you want them to go - so?!!

Not sure what exactly Alliance is doing, but yeah, forcing people to see ads is :x:x - Use a adblocker?
Adblockers will work, but the javascripts will be running and the pages will still be passing through the streamrider server, so the security issue will still be there.

Yes, ISPs always know, but I'd rather trust BSNL with my data than Alliance, who knows what kind of corrupt guy they have sitting there, forget mail passwords, think credit card data, story ends there :-x


Back to school!!
NoScript+ABP FTW :doublethumb: Really, Mozilla should integrate NoScript into Fox! :p
Still, the biggest issue is every page getting modified by a third party server before reaching your PC, that's the biggest security flaw right there.


Right off the assembly line
So all ISP's know what sites we' going to if they wanna find out? i have Airtel at the moment, so if they want they can pull up all the sites I've visited and all my login and passwords for any sites?


Wise Old Owl
BTW,if I use other net for mail or other important thing at one time and at other time use alliance for downloading ?
Both time different Browsers.
I mean they can steal only while using alliance net or they gonna put any kind of spyware which gonna collect all data from PC and will sent the data when I will connect with alliance again ?

@Any Alliance User
Guys what setting u r using for Peering(uTorrent).
Any special port ?
DHT enable or disable ?


Sage of the Six Paths
^How will you use two Internet Connections at the same time? There is no special settings for peering! And btw peering speeds for Zoom Plus has been decreased, as far as I know it has been halved.

Adblockers will work, but the javascripts will be running and the pages will still be passing through the streamrider server, so the security issue will still be there.

Yes, ISPs always know, but I'd rather trust BSNL with my data than Alliance, who knows what kind of corrupt guy they have sitting there, forget mail passwords, think credit card data, story ends there :-x

Then block the streamrider through hosts file.

Please give me some advice on DO and DON"T.
What kind security should we take while using Alliance ?
We can't change ISP but we must stay alert.

Three things you can do:

1). Block the ads server through hosts file
2). Use No Script + ABP
3). Use KeyScrambler [I doubt anyone can hack through this]


Wise Old Owl
^How will you use two Internet Connections at the same time?

Nope,one ISP at one time and with different browsers.
Like for when I gonna surf mail and important site gonna use FF with any 3G ISP.
Then when I gonna download torrent and gonna web surf for warez gonna use Chrome with Alliance ISP.

I already blocked the streamrider through hosts file.
But,did not work.
Still page redirected and still pop ups coming.
Even Adblock failed to spot pop ups and redirection.
Thought not using No Script.

Any special Port for uTorrent need ?


Back to school!!
Nope,one ISP at one time and with different browsers.
Like for when I gonna surf mail and important site gonna use FF with any 3G ISP.
Then when I gonna download torrent and gonna web surf for warez gonna use Chrome with Alliance ISP.

I already blocked the streamrider through hosts file.

But,did not work.
Still page redirected and still pop ups coming.
Even Adblock failed to spot pop ups and redirection.
Thought not using No Script.

Any special Port for uTorrent need ?
It does not work like that, host file blocks a connection(well that's not what it is supposed to be used for but anyway), but the streamrider just modifies your page, so when you are getting the page it is already modified, so it does not work, unlike normal ads which are dynamically loaded in webpages.
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