true that the orcs are strong and yes they have the most powerful hand to hand melle combatants but they are very slow in their development and are very vulnerable to early rushes more over tauren cheiftain is such a slow unit that the enemy will have no trouble in surounding it and killing the shadow hunter is gud in the bigining wid the healing but has a weak attack and his seppant wards r useless wen facing skilled opponentskishan said:I prefer the Orcs.
I have the frozen throne upgrade and so I play with tauren cheftain and shadow hunter as heroes. Shadow hunter can heal units. Tauren are very powerful units and they can be revived after death.
siriusb said:Here's something I found out quite a few years ago: Everytime you click on a character, the character will say something. Now click on the characterbefore it finishes saying the thing for about 4 times (or 5?). The funniest dialog is with the "pit lord" character