Which Headphone to buy for under 4k?


Right off the assembly line
I am coming to Kolkata next week, and I would like to buy a good headphone for under 4k. The headphones will be used primarily for listening to music, and some occasional gaming. I mostly listen to Rock, Electronic and Classical music. And I don't consider myself a bass head (although a little extra oomph doesnt hurt!)

So ppl, which headphone do you suggest I buy? Also, could you mention some good shops in Kolkata for buying headphones?


You Can Buy
Sony MDR-EX80LP ~ Rs 1,500
Sony MDR-G45 ~ Rs 900 (I HAve Used That One Sound is Very Good)
Sennheiser CX-300 ii (Many People have Recommended me That But It was Little Over Budget For me).

Or You Can Check Out This Thread

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@ricky641b : He is asking for headphones and you have mentioned inears :).
The reason for not a single reply is that there are many similar threads out there. I think if bass is not an issue the Audio Technica's AD500 will do fine for you if need bass go for M35 or T500


Oh sorry...but they are also called in-ear headphones...so they are also Headphones unless he has mentioned Closed-Type Headphones......


they are called in-ear monitors actually , i simply refer to them mas IEM'S on earphones , yeah but the terminologies are very confusing . I am not too sure but classifications are In ear monitors/earphones , Open-type Headphones , Closed-type headphones , Supra Aural etc. But again i maybe wrong :)
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