which games can i play on my pc??

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Pee into the Wind...
my config:

1.1 gb ddr 400 ram
2.4 ghz celeron processor
64 mb onboard video

games i look forward to play:

>>company of heroes
>>elder scrolls-oblivion
>>doom 3

i really can't afford to play any of these games at even medium-to-high settings.....but is it possible,with everything at its lowest??


Aspiring Novelist
Assuming that it's 845 chipset,I'd say only Doom 3 would start with lowest of settings.The rest even if they ran(by a miracle)then please don't start playing as it would heavily lag.


which onboard gfx??

If ATI x200, then
Oblivion: low, Doom3: med, CoH: low-med, STALKER: ??( presumably low)


Hey my config is this --->

Pentium D Processor 2.8 GHz.
RAM - 1024 MB (1 GB)
Graphic Card - NVIDIA 512 MB GeForce 7600

Kindly suggest me some games as well :D


Is actually a real word..
try this site out it has a list of games and will scn your HW config and let you know what you may need.
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