now a days i m feeling that all techi people of this forum all not much taking interest in this forum .... cause i m getting many questions of many users unanswered ???
why dude??
why dude??
it_waaznt_me said:When 90% of the day's posts are in General Discussion forum and that too relating to someone's hurt ego ..whats the need for us to post ..
hmm, some of the posts are so obvious - i mean you could just google them and there - u have the answer. But most of the members simply post the question without trying to Google.
And its my personal opinion that the posts need to be better moderated - like deleting double posts and having more sections to better organize the forum.
it_waaznt_me said:When 90% of the day's posts are in General Discussion forum and that too relating to someone's hurt ego ..whats the need for us to post ..
ujjwal said:Yes, many questions are often repeated, and others are asked becouse the author is too lazy to search the net. The rare good questions get ignored ...
I agree. Whole-heartedly!! Also Digit needs a more accurate section on Linux in the Magazine.hmm......... ya i agree 2 sailendra!! we need a seperate Linux section