My details: NAME : MADHU SUDHAN B DOB : 1980 QUALIFICATION : B.SC.,[P,M.CS] nothing further. I have learned c++, unix, sysbase, etc., from NIIT[1999] Job details : I am neither employed nor I am trying seriously. As for as you topic is concerned maintain as high percentage as possible. Have unflinching faith in whatever percentage and abilities you have. Because you are fresher keep a close watch on Ascent[TOI] and Opportunities[THE HINDHU] As for as the programming language is concerned be well equipped with c, c++[very strong OOPS knowledge is a must], visual .net etc., YOu should have strong RDBMS knowledge especially ORACLE and MS SQL sever. For further details on qualifications please refer current requirements the industry is asking throught their advertisements and websites. \"I AM STUDENT UNTIL MY EMANICIPATION\" I wish you Great luck, Bye.