What is the difference between Windows Firewall & Zone Alarm

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Raaabo said:
New Rule: Mods will post a link to an existing topic and THEN lock the thread. New members are not to be warned for not knowing the rules, but a link to the rules thread would be nice.

Thanks a lot...something like this is what i wanted to say....

back to the topic..

I dont think the norton firewall is something great...i used it for some time long back and then i had to face problems...
Sp2 firewall as we all said is worthless of discussing..

Ad-Aware and Z|A with regualr all round checks keep my pc healthy...

But i hardy ever find a virus on my comp...the reason is that if u know where u are "clicking" and what u are downloading...u will never have virus... so if u surf properly u can avoid virus a lot...
adware creeps in at times though...but rare...


Thanks a lot Raaabo! Yours was the kind of behaviour that was expected from an administrator. Thumbs up to you.

Thanks Kniwor for being there to support. Really made me feel good to see some one who doesn't even know me to be standing with me.

As for Digen and Raven, well guys, lets end it up here and be friends. No hard feelings. I would really appreciate if you guys can help me in my future posts.

Lastly, it really feels good to be in a forum of such a kind where guys like you all are a part off. Sorry for the trouble if any. Be rest assured, there wont be a problem from my side ever in future.
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