what is the difference between net ID and host ID??

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what is the difference between net ID and host ID??
in a class C IP address say, the first 3 octets denote the net ID while the last octet shows the host ID. what are the 2 used for ?

again in a class B IP address say, the first 2 octets show the net ID while the last 2 denote the host ID.... what is the significance of the netID and hostID???

i got this definition for host ID frm google search, but i still didn't understand ...
An identifier for a host. A host ID uniquely identifies a host within an address family on a network but does not identify the network. A host ID is not necessarily sufficient to establish communications with a host.

plz HELP ....
thanks ....


Its very simple mate.The network id is the id of the network & resembles the network.The host id is the identification of the host in the network.

Class A:Network.Node.Node.Node
Class B:Network.Network.Node.Node
Class C:Network.Network.Network.Node

The above is the way upon which its classified depending upon which Class the IP address belongs to.

If there is a network with a number of subnetted networks.How will a packet arriving at the default gateway/router determine where it should go?
It all comes down to the "network id"[net id] portion which makes it possible to locate the network.The packet would then traverse its way through a switch/hub to the appropriate host with the help of the host id.
Always remember routers dont care about hosts,all they care about is segmented networks.
I hope this helps.


thanks for your reply ...
Class A:Network.Node.Node.Node
Class B:Network.Network.Node.Node
Class C:Network.Network.Network.Node

i had seen this in my book also .....
class A supports 16,777,216 hosts per network ..
class B supports 16,384 hosts per network .
class C 256 ....

now how do u arrive at these figures (in bold .)...?


Hmm although I suck when it comes to math I will try my level best here :)

As i've already explained Class A is Network.Node.Node.Node

Now what is a IP address? Its a 32 it[4 byte] long address.
What does this mean?Each byte is equal to 8 bits.
Thus how many node addresses can the Class A address have?
2^24 [i.e 2 raise to the power 24]Why because the first byte makes the network id,the rest three bytes make the host id which equals to 24bits.So you want to find the hosts aint it?
You may ask why 2 raise to n? Simple because a bit is either a 1 or a 0.

Similarly just follow the network classes classification for Class B & Class C & you will finally end at those numbers without any confusion.


hi network guru
thanks for your help ..... will trouble u if i have any further confusion...
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