What is that thing in the sky?

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The Devil
If you go out right now, you will see 2 bright objects in the sky. One is almost over your head a little towards south-east and is moderately bright. The other one is towards west a little above the horizon. If you don't have any high rise building immediately on your west you should be able to see it. This one is almost two to three times brighter than the first.

One of them is Venus, though I don't know which one. What is the other one and which is what? Does anybody have any idea? I have been noticing this 2nd one for some days. I haven't seen anything that bright before. Its almost like a 100watt bulb in the sky.

Who knows about these? Calling all amateur/pro astronomers. :)


The Devil
OK. I finally identified it. The one in the west, the brightest is Venus. The other one towards South slightly overhead is Jupiter. Go out tonight and watch it. :)


Google Bot
arey kooly superman doesnt shine in the night.. Btw i wasnt able to see anything yest night..


Staff member
Venus is often the brigthest object visible in the evening sky, just after sunset. Barring the moon, of course.


Nokia 7110 to iPhone 5
i remember few years back, i found a software which could adjusts itself according to our location, and created an accurate, factual virtual night sky. dont remember the name thou, but these things comes handy! it even had all the records of sattelite's orbits! it was cool!


Back to l33ching :)
@club_pranay...guess it was Celestia?

@blackpearl.....the other one might me Saturn, had read about it in the papers a few days ago.


The Devil
club_pranay said:
i remember few years back, i found a software which could adjusts itself according to our location, and created an accurate, factual virtual night sky. dont remember the name thou, but these things comes handy! it even had all the records of sattelite's orbits! it was cool!

I think you are talking about Home Planet


Awesome software!!


May be its an plane stoped at the middle of its journey in the air and might be its pilot and crew are repairing its landing gear
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