Weird problem with my PSP

I have a PSP 2000 Slim & Lite. I am currently running 6.60 ME 1.6 on it. The problem is, the PSP starts as soon as I enter my battery in the slot, I don'e even need to slide the power key. The screen comes on for like 2 seconds and then the PSP shuts off. It comes back on automatically if I shake it a little or hit it lightly. I'm pretty sure the battery isn't loose because the battery seems to be very tightly fit in its place. Here's a video of my problem :)



The Power of x480
Staff member
You just inserted the battery with one hand, and immediately rotated the PSP to demonstrate the problem. What makes you so sure that the battery is really right tight? :?
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The Power of x480
Staff member
Well, if the battery is set tight, then it can't be the display problem, since if the display would have been damaged, it won't cause the restart of the PSP.
In that case this IS a weird problem.

Sorry can't help. You may need to send it for RMA.


It was bought in Singapore in 2008. A new set costs 6.5k, Sony said that repairing will cost 3.5k, so no use of RMA. I guess I will try switching it on after a few days.
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