entrana said:
Will check it now,just finished downloading.
Ok I played the strangle hold demo-
This game does not support DirectX 10.
The PC version has inferior graphics compared to the Xbox 360 version.
The PC demo does not allow u to tamper with graphics or control settings.
I thought the demo would install Aegei Physx driver but it didn't instead it uses havok physics engine.
I was a lot
disappointed with the in game graphics.
The aim of the game is only one thing..........
kill,kill,kill,kill,kill,kill,kill,kill, with style.
I was a lot disappointed with graphics.Tried it both on XP and vista and it ran like knife through butter.
There are a number of ways u can kill and enemy sliding of the rails,jumpin with style,jumpin off the walls,there's a precision mode where u can kill and enemy with deep precision and there will be a scripted death of the enemy.
Here's a scripted death in precision mode.
Yes u can guess where i aimed.
Add to this the Medal Of Honor Airborne Glitch