Want to install MySQL "ON" my web-server

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God of Mistakes...

I've taken a domain name and webspace for my website.
It's a windows server for hosting.

I have built a website with MySQL database. Now, the problem is that, there is no MySQL server installed on the web server.:( I must have MySQL installed on the server to run website.

Same for Tomcat. I made .jsp pages which needs Servlet engine to parse. Normal Apache server can't parse .jsp files. So, can I install Tomcat Server on that server (may on different port)?
Otherwise I've to convert all my JSP code to PHP or ASP code. 8)

I have FTP access to server. i.e. I can download and upload files on that sever.

Any way ?? Please help....


is NOT a PC/Mac
Do you own the server ? I think only if you have access to the server personally or have some way to install MySQL on the server computer itself, then you can have MySQL on the server.

If u just bought a web space from some provider then all you can is to request the provider to install MySQL for you. :)
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