Wake-on-LAN is fantastic. It lets you turn on a computer via the network, which is great when you need to turn on your home machine while you're at work. Most PCs these days support Wake-on-LAN.
If your network socket still shows a green light after you've shut down computer, it probably supports Wake-on-LAN. The motherboard uses a small amount of power to monitor network traffic and look for special Wake-on-LAN packets. If it sees one, it will power up the system as if you had just pressed the on switch.
Compitatible With All J2ME Mobile Phones
If your network socket still shows a green light after you've shut down computer, it probably supports Wake-on-LAN. The motherboard uses a small amount of power to monitor network traffic and look for special Wake-on-LAN packets. If it sees one, it will power up the system as if you had just pressed the on switch.
Compitatible With All J2ME Mobile Phones