Visual Basic 6 :Problem with mdb while installing

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i created a Standard exp with Data control

Properties of data control
Database name : C:\Program Files\mythwar calc\mythwar 2 skills.mdb

Features of my program : can save some values in specific Text box to mdb(access)

Problem i am facing

I created package using PDWizard then given to my other user who need program

but he is telling that error is comming showing mdb file is missing

Problem was solved after coping mdf file to his C:\Program Files\mythwar calc\mythwar 2 skills.mdb

this is becoming annoying , can any 1 tell me how to solve this ?

that is when every time user install program to specific location my Program should automatically relink the mdf to that specific folder where he chosed to install my program

so mdb file missing error will not come

pic of similar error when i try to replicate the error


Commander in Chief
Put the database in your development root (To get a relative path). This way it'll get packaged and installed along just fine. No path issues.
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