Vista still struggling as Linux finds its feet

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 Macboy
I'm sorry for taking this thread a little offtopic, but I need some help here. Turns out every PC I want to install Ubuntu on has a problem with it. And every PC that I need to keep windows on boots Ubuntu amazingly well. This one in question takes almost an hour to get to the installer, and then fifteen minutes between each step. So I thought maybe a pen drive would do better (P4 2.4Ghz, 256MB RAM, 40GB HDD).

Anyway, in OS X, I can "restore" an image (ISO/DMG) to a hard drive. It's how I installed Leopard (restored Leopard image to external HDD). This should work for ubuntu as well right?

(That tutorial is for doing it in Linux..)


Gonna make it BiG
man !... i was havin a good time readin this thread... :)
c'mon fellas, add sum more pages to it...


die blizzard die! D3?
@goobi:yeah this restoring thing is very much possible in ubuntu too but please make a separate thread in open source section,you'll get more advices there.This same question was asked by iMav in his thread "GUtsy Gibbon Queries".
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