piyush619 said:
hey guys my prob is that i can't play any video format in winamp not avi nor mpeg or wmv the prob generates whe i installed K-Lite Mega Coded Pack
First check if ur winamp ver is indeed 5.X and not 3.x, as the 3.x had some pretty big issues with videoz.
If as u say prob arose after u intalled K-lite codec pack, does it mean that u were able to view videoz bfore installing those codecs? If so it could be possible that the installer u r using has got corrupted. Y don't u try getting a new copy of the installer and install it after uninstalling the old version.
Also is the problem restricted to just Winamp or r other media players like Windows Media Player aslo giving you similar problems? If so there may be some issues in your Video Codecs, which u can check out from the Control Panel. Me thinks, these option are visible on clicking the Systems icon [Can't recall the exact path]. Check it out.