USB 2 wokrkin or not

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Asterisk enthusiast
hi geeks out there
i hv OI 865GBF M/B with P4 2.8
os is XP SP2
i want to that howq to enable USB 2 on my system
as win help says i hv done the same and no use as
there are enhansed USB in device list
and there is no extra device in device manager.
by Microsoft if both things dont exist in the system than M/B dont support USB 2
and intel says 865GBF supports USB 2
so waht to do ??????????????????
how 2 enable USB 2


how do you know that USB 2 is a hardware?
anyway .... Intel 865 GBF supports USB2. You have to provide the driver for it. nothing else. i'm havig same mobo and it satisfied me.... go to bios and see the USB 2 is enabled or not. cuz.. i can't give you the ext location in bios. and what is your BIOS version... if it is old one A17, upgrade it from intel websites..... some devices require USB2 for faster data transfer like SONY Handycam, SAMSUNG Laser Printer etc.


Asterisk enthusiast
USB 2 is not Hardware than what it is
do USB dont hv hardware controllers
or it runs only in S/W mode
my dear u hv to hv HARDWARE USB 2 Controlers to run a port as USB 2
i dont dont think any S/W can do this
if that is not listed in device manager as enhansed USB controller
than it is nt workin in USB 2 mode
by the from BIOS it is enabled
i hv latest chipset driver form intel
i just want to conferm that if ports r running in usb 2 mode or not
and if not HOW to run them


abhasbajpai said:
USB 2 is not Hardware than what it is
do USB dont hv hardware controllers
or it runs only in S/W mode
my dear u hv to hv HARDWARE USB 2 Controlers to run a port as USB 2
i dont dont think any S/W can do this
if that is not listed in device manager as enhansed USB controller
than it is nt workin in USB 2 mode
by the from BIOS it is enabled
i hv latest chipset driver form intel
i just want to conferm that if ports r running in usb 2 mode or not
and if not HOW to run them

plz read carefully... i have replied according to your post.. first of all .. 865GBF have 4 USB ports .. [yes.. the ports are hardware] and it supports USB2 version. i think there are no specific hardware called USB2. you have to provide the driver for USB2, it comes with every hardware or software [ex. given in the prev post]. i have the same board [865GBF] and i'm using few hardwares, and i didn't buy and other USB ports for USB2.


left this forum longback
:D check in accessories/system tools>system information>browse to components/problem devices>if USB2 or something is listed there,u may try drivers from CD.hope it helps.if u know already am sorry.not me a M$ geek :wink:


Asterisk enthusiast
plz read carefully... i have replied according to your post.. first of all .. 865GBF have 4 USB ports .. [yes.. the ports are hardware] and it supports USB2 version. i think there are no specific hardware called USB2. you have to provide the driver for USB2, it comes with every hardware or software [ex. given in the prev post]. i have the same board [865GBF] and i'm using few hardwares, and i didn't buy and other USB ports for USB2.
the usb ports or any bus in works on controllers
and both USB and USB 2 hv diffrent controllers
for working of both u need drivers and controllers are hardware its not question of versions. so you need diffrent hardware for diffrent version
how do you know that USB 2 is a hardware?
thats way i am saying USB 2 is a hardware.
there a diffrent controllers for universal serial bus and universial serial bus 2 though it may be the enhansed version of usb as is stated by microsoft in its win xp help but when both are controlled by diffrent contrllers though there is a bacward compatibleity of USB 2 controller with USB.
as for the drivers are concerned EVERY HARDWARE COMPONENT needs driver to work.
i didn't buy and other USB ports for USB2.
see the post i am asking how to enable USB2 funcenality of USB2 controller in windows which are now ruinnign in USB compatiablity mode
as USB 2 is backward compatiable it can run in USB mode by the drivers provided by windoes XP.
i just want to enable USB 2 ports in my computer which are running in USB compatiablity mode
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