Urgent:New Office Workstation for Architectural Big rendering


@SaiyanGoku you don't have a problem with cx 750?

But you suggested a cooler too
Cpu Cooler : Cooler Master MasterLiquid 240- 7,385

Every one suggested master box 5 lite and spec alpha was too pricy.
Wouldn't the after market cooler solve the issue with airflow?

Can someone explain why there is 29000 gst?

Please tell me if the boxes or other packaging of any of these components needs to be retained for claiming warranty or just the bill would do?
I suggested a 240mm AIO liquid cooler, not just an air cooler.
5 Lite has literally no vents in the front or in the top. Only way in or out for air is through the bottom or at the back. Spec 4 would've been a good option.


Ambassador of Buzz
No don't get CX 750 , not worth it at all at that price.. The new CX series is good only upto Rs 5,000 class .. don't go for higher watts like 750watts ... stick to 550-650 watts high quality units .

in addition to monitor , PSU is also taxed at 28 %
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aby geek

Cyborg Agent
its done man whether you and I like it or not the system now has a cx 750 in it. the screenshot I shared is the final bill not a quote.
i even told the purchase team this is garbage go for hx 750 if rm is not available dont mind the price of a psu in a high end system but i think they panicked and goofed up.
should have stuck with s12ii 620w giving too many options to some people is always a recipe for disaster.


Ambassador of Buzz
its done man whether you and I like it or not the system now has a cx 750 in it. the screenshot I shared is the final bill not a quote.
i even told the purchase team this is garbage go for hx 750 if rm is not available dont mind the price of a psu in a high end system but i think they panicked and goofed up.
should have stuck with s12ii 620w giving too many options to some people is always a recipe for disaster.


is it modular ? does the CX 750 has a green label or white label ? eg-

CORSAIR CX750 (New) (CP-9020123-NA) 750W ATX12V 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Non-Modular Active PFC Power Supply - Newegg.com


Corsair CX 750 Power Supply Unit - Hardwire.in

The green label is old and discontinued model and has only 3 years warranty and has capxon capacitors .. this shouldn't be put in this system for more than 2 years ..

the white label one isn't bad .. and has 5 year warranty and in some cases is better than Seasonic S12ii like protections and modern design .. but for the price it isn't good value with respect to capacitors and longevity..
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aby geek

Cyborg Agent
hey thanks gta
but if cx 750 is bad value for 6400 rs then what is its value lol.
ill check the details when i see the system.

by the way the 3k extra they spent on ssd by going for 960 evo are they justified?


Ambassador of Buzz
hey thanks gta
but if cx 750 is bad value for 6400 rs then what is its value lol.
ill check the details when i see the system.

by the way the 3k extra they spent on ssd by going for 960 evo are they justified?

it is not 6400 Rs .. it is 6400 + 28 % GST = Rs 8,192 .. simply could have bought RM 650x for Rs 9,500 online easily..

at 8k or so Antec True power classic or even Corsair TX ( with it's 3.3v transient tests) would have beenn wayyyyyyy better than CX..

>>> Costtocost even has Antec True Power Classic 750 watts listed in their price list , if it is changeable with them , ask them to change it now , and is even cheaper than CX 750 by 200 Rs lol..
pay them some restocking fee Rs 400-500 extra , and they might agree to change it. well worth it.. a must if it is green label model

Antec true power classic 750 watts is same unit as Seasonic S12G.

likewise 960 evo is Rs 12,700 . compared to 850 evo it is Rs 5000 more ..

the extra money spent is justified only if the extra speeds are going to matter "significantly" in your workload .. if your workload isn't going to take advantage of extra speeds in a significantly noticeable way "regularly" then it is waste of money..

850 evo is Sata and 960 evo is Nvme PCIe .. both are different class ..

check the rough estimated comparison..

UserBenchmark: Samsung 850 Evo vs 960 NVMe PCIe M.2

960 evo only has 3 years warranty , while 850 evo has 5 years .. both of them are 48 layer TLC
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aby geek

Cyborg Agent
so was the price of 850 evo 250 gb @ 7500 rupees including gst?
and corsair rm 650x at 9.2k is also after GST?


Ambassador of Buzz
so was the price of 850 evo 250 gb @ 7500 rupees including gst?
and corsair rm 650x at 9.2k is also after GST?

yes to all..

Rm 650x - Rs 9200-9500 + shipping

Buy Online | Corsair RM650x 650W Fully Modular Power Supply CP-9020091-UK | Price in India
Buy Corsair RM650x 650W Fully Modular PSU (CP-9020091-EU) online best price in india at www.theitdepot.com

evo 850 - Rs 7500-7800 (M2 version costs 300 Rs more than 2.5 inch one.. both perform same )

Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250 GB m.2 SATA Internal SSD MZ-N5E250B SAMSUNG INDIA wrnty | eBay


also check this price list from deltapage.. everything listed inclusive of GST

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aby geek

Cyborg Agent
Luckily it is a white label unit.


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