Upgrading a compaq

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Right off the assembly line
Dear friends

I own a compaq deskpro bought about 2 yrs back.

The basic config is
P4 1.6 Ghz
Nvidia TNT 32MB

I want to know whether I can change the Motherboard of this PC so that I
can integrate faster RAM and Graphic card.

Do branded PCs place some restrictions to prevent such things?

Also do motherboards of today support such old P4 processors.

I shall be obliged if you can direct me to a suitable person in Mumbai who does such work.

Thank you.



Broken In
Well I'm not so sure what socket ur mobo has..I guess it is either the 423 pin or 478 pin socket(that is assuming ur proceessor of the Williamette core)..Run CPU-Z that came with Digit a month ago and find that out for urself..then look for a new mobo with the same socket...but there maybe a model from Krypton as far as I remember although I dunno if its available any longer...and considering u get hold of it int gonna help anyway..u should consider getting urself a mobo that supports DDR400 and in that case u'll have to get urself a new processor too..that'll be the best thing u could get..and as far ur warranty is concerned u wont have ur warranty on ur mobo any longer..but ur new mobo will come with a 3 year warranty so u need not worry..I know coz I own a presario 3707AP


In the zone
The max you can do to your PC will be pushing it up to 2.2 GHz(buying a new procesoor if thats available). Nothing more i suppose. Tell you what, sell your PC lock, stock and barrell and buy a new one with an Athlon 64FX core and you shouldn't have probs for another 2-3yrs.
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