upgrade needed

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In the zone
i have a 845 series via motherboard with 1.7 ghz p4,256 mb ddr ram,40 gb pata hd ,cmedia sound card and a nvidia geforce mx card.i want to upgrade my pc.i want to upgrade to intel 915 series motherboard pci express.will my nvidia work on that? whether i have upgrade my processor also? or whether onboard intel graphic media accelerator would give performance like my mx card?whether this motherboard supports 5.1 output and compete my old sound card? if it will support my old pata hd or i have to upgrade it to sata hd?if it is better to go for amd solution or sli ?
i used to play games .


Broken In
Intel 915 series mobo r available with both agp and pci express slots. If u go in for AGP version... u can use ur gfx card... however a geforce4 MX card will barely play any of the latest games... so no point in sticking to it then.
You will have to upgrade ur processor also... as the sockets are different.
The 915 motherboard has 7.1 channel sound as compared to ur 5.1 however the quality of sound is not much different. My friend upgraded from onboard sound to sound blaster audigy card and then told me all songs and games sounded exactly the same!!
The mobo will support ur pata hdd.. and support sata hdd as well.

I noticed something... u wanna upgrade and u also ask if ur gfx card, hd and processor will work on ur new motherboard !!!! If ur on a very tight budget id recommend u upgrade to just a 2.4 ghz processor, 512 mb ram and geforce 6 series card... whichever best u can afford.


Broken In
I was thinking of upgrading and this is the config of my OLD pc.
P4 1.6 GHz
D845WN Intel original motherboard
32Mb SIS gfx card
800W Mercury speakers(repaired once)
56kbps Motorola modem
mm keyboard and i ball mouse
Mercury topaz cabinet
52x cdrom
How much should i expect for this system?(i know this had to be in the bazaar section but that is locked)Is 9k to 10k justified?

thanks for the help
P.S. It is 3 years old and in good condition


Commander in Chief
U can expect a max of upto 13000 cordin ta me for that pc,
Its still good, wondering y u r upgrading it...


Broken In
Well then any buyers?
does anybody want to buy the system?I want to sell the whole system and not by parts(atleast the whole cpu).
Reason to sell:upgrading to a system that can play all the latest games!
I know that if i upgrade the gfx card it would be enough but in another 6months my processor may become a bottleneck.
Whoever is interested please reply.
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