Unwanted email

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dig_boy_dig,dig !
I regularly received some unknown email in my sancharnet email ID. I paste here one of them. Can anybody help me how to get rid of this types of email in my inbox. I am fedup to deleting this types of mail regularly.


F_irm: E-XCH-ANGE MOBI_LE T,E_L-E (O_ther O,T'C.: EX,MT.PK)

Ti-ck: E X-M_T

A*s,k+: 0'.-0.8

5*-day po,ten,tial: 0,._4'0

T*h-i,s a g_reat o-+pportunity to at l.east doub'le up!
N*o-t o+n+l+y d,o e,s t+h-i's f'i r'm h.a.v+e gr*eat fu__ndamentals, b'u,t getti+ng t,h i's oppo'r_tunity at t,h,e rig.ht ti-me, rig*ht bef.ore t h*e r ally is w_h,a,t make*s t.h'i,s d e*a-l so sweet_!

Wat.ch it s_o'a*r,!

My n*a m_e is M_a_r_c Rei,c helt a-n.d I am t'h,e auth or of t*h,e E,M F F*.
T*here's no tr+ick to a lit+era ry anecd++ote.
I k.n o w t'h'i,s g'u,y d+o'w+n in Gre_*enwich Vill,age t,h_a+t we c'a+n borro.w h i.s c*a-r f+o-r a c*ouple of wee-ks.

Retri eve-s speci,+fic info rmati-on re'ga-rding a d,i,s.k vol.ume.
It is f*i*n.e t+h.e w-a+y it i.s+, y-o_u d-on't w-a*n+t to h*a.v e to c_lean it aga-in.


Is it webmail service or POP?IMAP. If its a webmail, there must be an option to block mails from certain IDs or marking a message as spam(if the automatic spam filter is not there) . if it's POP then create a filter which automatically deletes such messages.

Choto Cheeta


Unfortunatelly the aswer you want is a Trillion Doller Question, even man him self Bill Gates too would have loeve to know the asnwer...

So the solution I could think of is, Try using with some Desktop mailing client Like Thender Bird of Microsoft Outlook along with one good Anti Spamware, Like use a Security suite, KIS 7.0 !!!


dig_boy_dig,dig !
asnvin said:
Is it webmail service or POP?IMAP. If its a webmail, there must be an option to block mails from certain IDs or marking a message as spam(if the automatic spam filter is not there) . if it's POP then create a filter which automatically deletes such messages.

It is Sancharet's email ID and I think the POP mail. I did not found any filter options there.
Choto Cheeta
Unfortunatelly the aswer you want is a Trillion Doller Question, even man him self Bill Gates too would have loeve to know the asnwer...

So the solution I could think of is, Try using with some Desktop mailing client Like Thender Bird of Microsoft Outlook along with one good Anti Spamware, Like use a Security suite, KIS 7.0 !!!

In my other email ID, I dont received such email, this is happening only in the case of " SANCHARNET" email ID. Previously I received that type of mail with my ID's initial 2/3 letter only but now a days with full correct email ID.


Do u receive such messages from same id or different ids. Enter ALT > M >S to block the sender after opening the message.


dig_boy_dig,dig !
asnvin said:
Do u receive such messages from same id or different ids. Enter ALT > M >S to block the sender after opening the message.

Received from seperate IDs. Seperated type of topics. Some time software price, sometime medicine price, some time I dont understand the topics. someties same topics different IDs.


If u get these mails from different ids the only thing u can do to reduce the number of such mails that u get to read is use a software like spam fighter that automatically filters spam as it won't be easy to classify/create rule for each message.
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