unable to play medal of honor HELP

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Come get Some
My Config
PIII 1GHz 256 MB Ram XpSP2 i815 Board

this is what i recieve while executing the prog.

--- Common Initialization ---
Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.00 win-x86 Jan 28 2002
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
C:\PROGRA~1\EAGAME~1\MOHAA\main\Pak5.pk3 (259 files)
C:\PROGRA~1\EAGAME~1\MOHAA\main\Pak4.pk3 (593 files)
C:\PROGRA~1\EAGAME~1\MOHAA\main\Pak3.pk3 (669 files)
C:\PROGRA~1\EAGAME~1\MOHAA\main\Pak2.pk3 (4722 files)
C:\PROGRA~1\EAGAME~1\MOHAA\main\Pak1.pk3 (772 files)
C:\PROGRA~1\EAGAME~1\MOHAA\main\Pak0.pk3 (11175 files)

18190 files in pk3 files
execing default.cfg
execing menu.cfg
execing newconfig.cfg
Config: unnamedsoldier.cfg
couldn't exec configs/unnamedsoldier.cfg
couldn't exec localized.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
Unknown command "fov"
couldn't exec custom.cfg
...detecting CPU, found Intel Pentium III

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
Couldn't set DI coop level
Falling back to Win32 mouse support...
------- Input Initialization Complete ------- 20
You are now setup for easy mode.
----- Client Initialization -----
Called FadeSound with: 0.000000
----- Initializing Renderer ----
----- R_Init -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\opengl32.dll' ): succeeded
...setting mode 3: 640 480 FS
...using colorsbits of 16
...calling CDS: ok
...registered window class
...created window@0,0 (640x480)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...GLW_ChoosePFD( 16, 16, 0 )
...35 PFDs found
...GLW_ChoosePFD failed
...failed to find an appropriate PIXELFORMAT
...restoring display settings
...WARNING: could not set the given mode (3)
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL

help me guys................


Security Exp
Here Is the Minimum configuration required :

Windows XP or Windows 2000
1.5 GHz Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon processor
512 MB RAM
3D video card with 64+ MB video memory which fully supports DirectX 8.1
At least 1GB free space on your hard drive


Come get Some
Tech Geek said:
you will need atleast a P4 for it.

thanks for reply but there is no need for P4 for mohaa
i updated the graphics driver i815 (actually not the replaced the windows driver with the intel one) and no the game is running very fine
pathiks said:
yea MOHAA wont work on ur config neways...

no brother one can play mohaa on pIII pc even with 128 MB ram, coz now iam playing it on my PC
47shailesh said:
Here Is the Minimum configuration required :

Windows XP or Windows 2000
1.5 GHz Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon processor
512 MB RAM
3D video card with 64+ MB video memory which fully supports DirectX 8.1
At least 1GB free space on your hard drive

this is all crap
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