Ubuntu 8 could be the death of Windows!!

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Cool Ubuntu rocks!!

Officially, Dell Inc. hasn't said a word yet about which Linux it will be preloading on its desktops and laptops. Several sources within Dell, however, have told DesktopLinux.com that Dell's desktop Linux pick is going to be Ubuntu.

Windows may die in the future as today's linux can do more than windows can do.

and i think that the linux is still in the flux state

Read more *www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS8661763902.html
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1337 |)00|) \m/
Intel_Gigacore said:
Cool Ubuntu rocks!!

Officially, Dell Inc. hasn't said a word yet about which Linux it will be preloading on its desktops and laptops. Several sources within Dell, however, have told DesktopLinux.com that Dell's desktop Linux pick is going to be Ubuntu.

Windows may die in the future as today's linux can do more than windows can do.

and i think that the linux is still in the flux state

Read more *www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS8661763902.html

Many vendors like Compaq, have been packing a Linux distros with their PCs to cut down the prices. Thats the primary reason.

Death of Windows? I can't say. But Surely more Linux exposure........ However, will the people adapt themselves to it ? Given that most of Dells PC's are used in Corporate offices , who have their programs written specifically for Windows .Hence, I don't think they'd like the idea of having UBUNTU as their OS.

Think about it. Death of Windows is still a distant dream. But why bother ? GNU/Linux doesn't depend on Windows' status to thrive. Its community keeps it alive . That includes you and me and a huge number of people all round the world.



You gave been GXified
Death of Windows, you gotta be kidding me.

ubuntu seriously needs some standerd & better 3rd party application before any lInux can think of beating Windows.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
gx_saurav said:
Death of Windows, you gotta be kidding me.

ubuntu seriously needs some standerd & better 3rd party application before any lInux can think of beating Windows.

What do you mean by "standard" and what sort of 3rd party application do you expect? I think Ubuntu is quite capable by itself, and it may beat windows someday.


left this forum longback
presently Linux kernel is very much capable and bundles available drivers supporting most new hardwares with each release.
Linux kernel needs supports from h/w manufacturers by giving their h/w specs correctly to write a OSS driver.OR H/W manufacturers should release drivers to FOSS already like Intel.IT is not the fault of free software community and Linux kernel to have lesser h/w support than windows(ofcourse u get a driver cd for windows,eh?now think vista widout drivers?sure do u liked it?).
For eg:wireless support for Linux kernel seems pathetic.most manufacturers are paranoid thinking if they open up for a driver for Linux,rivals will know their technical specs:rolleyes: wht 2 say?even Linux users are forced to use windows drivers(sometimes) for wireless support in Linux via Ndiswrapper.hmm..think again before blaming Linux.even lately Linux kernel devels agreed to write drivers for devices for free as in true FOSS nauture.

btwn i dont think there will be death of windows anytime soon unless the world is forced to move off suddenly due to something weird needs to happen.
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