Transcend RAM Querry

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Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Hey guys, I am planning to buy a 1 GB DDR(400) Transcend RAM as the prices of RAM hv dropped down to earth :D

Now, i presently hv a 512 MB DDR (400) Transcend RAM, so tell me while purchasing RAM do i Only hv to make sure that the new 1 GB RAM sticks hv identical 400 Mhz speed ?? or is there sumthing more tat i shud be careful of ??

I hv a Intel D 865 GBF mobo (with 4 RAM slots) and currently im having a 512 MB DDR(400) JetRAM in one of the slots...

An early reply will be really helpful, as i intend to buy the RAM (1 GB) tomorrow itself.. :)

Cheers n e-peace....


Cyborg Agent
You should use either 2 x 512
or 2x1gb identical ram

Which city are u buying? also tell us the prices.

Try to match the part number if possible, some ram with same specification will be different when they have different part number, in most cases you wont have problem as long as the specification are same, but while over clocking this becomes a issue.


IF u dont intend to run them in DUAL CHANNEL u can use 512 + 1gb of same brand and same speed
DO note down the LATENCY timing of ur older ram...
usually ist 2.5-3-3 , 3-3-3 etc....this is imp when geting another module of RAM....
Use CPU-Z for this..and i guess ur from mumbai...please do get prices of DDR and DDR-2 ram prices ;)


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
^^ Thanx for ur reply , im from Mumbai and i will be buying froma dealer (known to me very well) and he said tat
Transcend 1 GB DDR (400) RAM=Rs. 1850/- (+3 yrs warranty) and
Transcend 512 MB DDR(400) RAM=Rs. 1000/- (+3 yrs warranty).

I already hv a 512 MB DDR(400) Stick on my mobo so i shud still do for 2x512 ?? or 1x1GB ( i guess u are saying coz its better for Dual channel ..>Right ??

can u explian me abt the so called "PART NUMBER" ?? from where can i get that ?? on RAM stick ??

Cheers n e-peace...

I currently hv a 512 MB DDR (400) Trhansend RAM and i am planning to buy 1 GB more, so will these all 3x512 MB DDR (400) Transend RAMs work in dual channel ???

DDR2 RAMS are even more cheaper, a DDR2 1GB(533) will cost around -Rs.1350/- (if u buy it froma dealer in LAM rd. it will be more cheaper) ;) Will CPU-Z giv me the latency ??and how do i match it while buying a new RAM in a Transcend Hard plastic cover packing ??:-S

Cheers n e-peace....
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CPU-z will show ur existing ram latency ....and ask for same latency ram from ur dealer........
Does ur mobo supports dual channel??

Check out a thread on RAM in NEWS says he got DDR2 laptop ram of 667 mhz for 1500 DDR2 desktop will be abt 1200...and so DDR ram shoudl be 1400 not more than that....


Cyborg Agent
Yes DDR will benefit when u run in dual channel & they should match else you will be on a cart whose 1 wheel is big & another is small.................................u know how the journey will be.

3 wont work , dual channel needs pairs so use either 2 or 4 sticks.

PART no are specified on the ram stick to identify the product.

Latencies are mentioned on the transcend pack, if not then there is a sticker on the ram on which the part number would be mentioned . Go to & check the specification of ur older ram & newer ram.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Thanx for ur reply :)

Will putting a 1x1GB DDR (400) along with my 1x512MB DDR(400) work in dual channel or will i hv to strictly go in for 512s only ???


DUAL=> pairing...

2 or 4 will work in DUAL channel....

In order to use Dual Channel Memory, your motherboard has to be capable of supporting this technique and you will also need two equal memory modules.



Wise Old Owl
ill say go for either:

another 512 MB + 2*1GB

or another 512MB + 2*256MB

either way u can run in dual channel.

wow...avatar delemma


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
ok guys.... here is wat i got for my P4

4x512 MB DDR(400) Transcend RAMs costing Rs.4800 total (i.e Rs.1200 per Stick) from a Dealer in Lam Rd, Mumbai and with a proper Bill and warranty with it too :D

SO now all my 4 Sticks are working in DUAL channel mode.. :) and thanx to all of ur replies too guys..for deciding and explaining me the latency and dual channel stuff.. :D

Cheers n e-peace....


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
^^ lolz

Well actually i came down to earth to take a stroll on the broadway roads luking for an Avtar for my pc ;)
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