The Witcher 3

Finished the game a few days back. And it leaves me wanting for more. Why did it have to end? I could've easily played this game for the entire year. LOL.! Still, its sad that it came to an end.


Cyborg Agent
Finished the game a few days back. And it leaves me wanting for more. Why did it have to end? I could've easily played this game for the entire year. LOL.! Still, its sad that it came to an end.
Don't loose heart. We have the expansion pass, which will be as long as w2


Wise Old Owl
Just got a new Asus G751JY with GTX 980M, downloading the game and will try. Till now was playing on desktop 780. And guys how to add friends on Galaxy, do they even have this option?
Have the button lag been fixed in 1.07, Geralt acting late when pressing a button in combat?
Yeah, button lag seems reduced to me. Geralt turns more sharply now, stops more promptly and jump from high doesn't require you to tap jump again before landing to roll and reduce damage. Though he is still human so you will die if you try an assassins Creed You can add friends on gog by searching their profile and clicking on their avatar.


In the zone
Hi... Guy Finally Explored 99% points of interest in velen except this one could not find a way to the point if any one got there please tell what you found.



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Wise Old Owl
The Witcher 3 patch 1.07 released - PC Gamer

"Of course, a big patch requires a lengthy download—but just how lengthy seems to depend on where you download it from. It's 7.6GB for me, through GOG Galaxy, while Steam users are reporting a 5.1GB download. Stranger still, you can download it from your GOG account page for 2.1GB. That may be the preferred option for those struggling with monthly download limits."
Good thing my office has free WiFi with 5mbps download. :D


Wise Old Owl
Hi... Guy Finally Explored 99% points of interest in velen except this one could not find a way to the point if any one got there please tell what you found.

That's Bald Mountain. Progress through the story. You will go there. Won't say more. But don't try to go there before that.

It's possible to enter before and there is a place of power there as well. You need to do some clever climbing and utilize missing invisible walls to get in. I did it. But you will prolly be crying when you realize that you can't get out anymore. I learned the hard way. Took me 2 hours to finally get out after a lot of jumping and dying and what not...


Chosen of the Omnissiah
The Witcher 3 Patch 1.07 MegaGuide: List Of All Bugs, Technical Issues and How To Fix Them


Lower fps
Once applied, patch 1.7 causes noticeably lower fps on several GPUs, especially those of the Nvidia series 750Ti, GTX 770 and others. You can partially fix this by disabling the v-sync.

Lots of achievements regarding Gwent, brawl + brawl master quests and horse races don't work properly anymore. There's no current workaround, unfortunately.

Game settings
This bug causes all of your game settings to be removed and restored to default each time you exit the game. To fix this, go to documents/witcher 3 and untick “read-only” in user.settings file: the game will be able to actually overwrite that file and save your settings.

Graphical issues
If you encounter GFX issues, verify game cache files via GOG Galaxy or Steam depending on the client you used to download The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. This should work.

Rainy weather issue
This crazy bug consists in rain displaying also when you are inside houses outside Novigrad.

NPC animation glitches
Brooms, crates, bottles and other things are not displaying properly in the hands of NPCs when you encounter this bug.

Alternate look for Ciri
Among several issues known for the alternative look for Ciri, there is a smaller one that causes a graphical bug on her neck during cut-scenes. A small white line will appear there.

Save issues
Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players also reported some issues with saves, and these problems also appeared to a few PC gamers. There's no known reason for this to happen, but before deleting your saves try to verify game files or re-installing the entire game.

Stash bound to E key / Items disappearing from stash
This bug causes the game not caring about which is your stash key, bounding it to the E button. More rarely, this leads the items you stash to disappearing.

Money disappears
This has still to be confirmed but looks like there's a bug out there that causes money to disappear. Basically, you can't get more money. Reasons and solutions unknown at the moment.

Mouse sensitivity
Options don't display anymore mouse sensitivity. If you want to fix this, turn off hardware cursor or change mouse settings in control panel.

Gamepad movement settings reduced
With patch 1.7 applying, the movement settings were reduced for gamepads: they were four, now are only two.

Geralt disappearing when moving the camera
This very rare bug consists in Geralt disappearing each time you move the camera. Verifying game cache files could be the most appropriate solution.

Issues with weight
If you were encumbered in 1.6 and you still are in 1.7, as it should actually be, use the 90000 weight mod, which is compatible with the new patch. Drop an item and get it back if you are still encumbered after applying the mod.


Vernon Roche (An Eye For An Eye quest)
This bug doesn't allow you to speak with Vernon. Since you won't be able to progress further with the quest, this can be considered a game breaking bug, and the only solution is to load save before accepting the quest.

Closed City quest / Collect them all (Gwent)
Quest changes to Failed if you already completed it and if you complete it. No solution available at the moment.

Skellige's Most Wanted
This bug makes the Werewolf immortal, and there's no fix currently.

Ambassador Var Attre
If you decide to talk to him in Wyzima, but you haven't during your first visit there, beware: you will encounter graphical issues like missing NPCs, walls, etc.

Wild Hunt soldiers teleporting during the defense of Kaer Morhen
Looks like Wild Hunt soldiers have learnt how to teleport for small distances during the defense of Kaer Morhen. They will use this ability mostly when attacked or while leaving the NPC fight zone, making the battle even harder to complete.

MatchesCountError message appearing, game not starting
If the MatchesCountError prevents your game to start, delete dsound.dll in Witcher 3 directory (bin/x64). This is said to be caused by Dev console enabler mod.

Music tracks stop playing upon completion of Coronation quest
If you meet this bug, that prevents music to play after your complete the Coronation quest, fast travel and you will restore the proper order of things.

Ally NPCs very vulnerable (Black Pearl quest)
Sometimes allies can be very vulnerable, like in the Black Pearl quest, where they die after just one enemy hit. Check the workaround posted on the official forums of CD Projekt RED to fix this.

Baron's Sergeant is missing one VO dialogue when leaning against the wall
This bug is really strange, since the dialogue works properly when the character doesn't lean against the wall.

Price of Honor quest
The Price of Honor quest was already bugged before the patch 1.07 was issued and it was supposed to fix the bug, but failed. The solution is to load the game before starting the quest.

Horse stops gallop more often

Master Armorer quest
Testing Yoanas and Fergus armor, baron's soldier just stands there, not fall down, when he is hit by a bolt. The animation won't start because of this bug.

Missing stashes
This bug prevents the game from spawning stashes in some areas. For example, you could meet it in Rosemary.

Arche Griffin body
When you kill arche griffin, you pick up his trophy but the head doesn't actually disappear from this body. This is a smaller bug that doesn't harm your game experience, anyway.

Triss Merigold Soldier Statuette's side quest
If this bug activates, you won't be able to give Triss the statuettes. The conversation will stop at a certain point, and you won't be allowed to complete the quest. There's no solution now.
Last edited:


In the zone
The Witcher 3 Patch 1.07 MegaGuide: List Of All Bugs, Technical Issues and How To Fix Them


Lower fps
Once applied, patch 1.7 causes noticeably lower fps on several GPUs, especially those of the Nvidia series 750Ti, GTX 770 and others. You can partially fix this by disabling the v-sync.

Lots of achievements regarding Gwent, brawl + brawl master quests and horse races don't work properly anymore. There's no current workaround, unfortunately.

Game settings
This bug causes all of your game settings to be removed and restored to default each time you exit the game. To fix this, go to documents/witcher 3 and untick “read-only” in user.settings file: the game will be able to actually overwrite that file and save your settings.

Graphical issues
If you encounter GFX issues, verify game cache files via GOG Galaxy or Steam depending on the client you used to download The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. This should work.

Rainy weather issue
This crazy bug consists in rain displaying also when you are inside houses outside Novigrad.

NPC animation glitches
Brooms, crates, bottles and other things are not displaying properly in the hands of NPCs when you encounter this bug.

Alternate look for Ciri
Among several issues known for the alternative look for Ciri, there is a smaller one that causes a graphical bug on her neck during cut-scenes. A small white line will appear there.

Save issues
Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players also reported some issues with saves, and these problems also appeared to a few PC gamers. There's no known reason for this to happen, but before deleting your saves try to verify game files or re-installing the entire game.

Stash bound to E key / Items disappearing from stash
This bug causes the game not caring about which is your stash key, bounding it to the E button. More rarely, this leads the items you stash to disappearing.

Money disappears
This has still to be confirmed but looks like there's a bug out there that causes money to disappear. Basically, you can't get more money. Reasons and solutions unknown at the moment.

Mouse sensitivity
Options don't display anymore mouse sensitivity. If you want to fix this, turn off hardware cursor or change mouse settings in control panel.

Gamepad movement settings reduced
With patch 1.7 applying, the movement settings were reduced for gamepads: they were four, now are only two.

Geralt disappearing when moving the camera
This very rare bug consists in Geralt disappearing each time you move the camera. Verifying game cache files could be the most appropriate solution.

Issues with weight
If you were encumbered in 1.6 and you still are in 1.7, as it should actually be, use the 90000 weight mod, which is compatible with the new patch. Drop an item and get it back if you are still encumbered after applying the mod.


Vernon Roche (An Eye For An Eye quest)
This bug doesn't allow you to speak with Vernon. Since you won't be able to progress further with the quest, this can be considered a game breaking bug, and the only solution is to load save before accepting the quest.

Closed City quest / Collect them all (Gwent)
Quest changes to Failed if you already completed it and if you complete it. No solution available at the moment.

Skellige's Most Wanted
This bug makes the Werewolf immortal, and there's no fix currently.

Ambassador Var Attre
If you decide to talk to him in Wyzima, but you haven't during your first visit there, beware: you will encounter graphical issues like missing NPCs, walls, etc.

Wild Hunt soldiers teleporting during the defense of Kaer Morhen
Looks like Wild Hunt soldiers have learnt how to teleport for small distances during the defense of Kaer Morhen. They will use this ability mostly when attacked or while leaving the NPC fight zone, making the battle even harder to complete.

MatchesCountError message appearing, game not starting
If the MatchesCountError prevents your game to start, delete dsound.dll in Witcher 3 directory (bin/x64). This is said to be caused by Dev console enabler mod.

Music tracks stop playing upon completion of Coronation quest
If you meet this bug, that prevents music to play after your complete the Coronation quest, fast travel and you will restore the proper order of things.

Ally NPCs very vulnerable (Black Pearl quest)
Sometimes allies can be very vulnerable, like in the Black Pearl quest, where they die after just one enemy hit. Check the workaround posted on the official forums of CD Projekt RED to fix this.

Baron's Sergeant is missing one VO dialogue when leaning against the wall
This bug is really strange, since the dialogue works properly when the character doesn't lean against the wall.

Price of Honor quest
The Price of Honor quest was already bugged before the patch 1.07 was issued and it was supposed to fix the bug, but failed. The solution is to load the game before starting the quest.

Horse stops gallop more often

Master Armorer quest
Testing Yoanas and Fergus armor, baron's soldier just stands there, not fall down, when he is hit by a bolt. The animation won't start because of this bug.

Missing stashes
This bug prevents the game from spawning stashes in some areas. For example, you could meet it in Rosemary.

Arche Griffin body
When you kill arche griffin, you pick up his trophy but the head doesn't actually disappear from this body. This is a smaller bug that doesn't harm your game experience, anyway.

Triss Merigold Soldier Statuette's side quest
If this bug activates, you won't be able to give Triss the statuettes. The conversation will stop at a certain point, and you won't be allowed to complete the quest. There's no solution now.
Wow. Looks like patch 1.07 broke more than it fixed. Have you encountered any problems? I heard achievements have also been disabled in both Gog Galaxy and Steam?


Wise Old Owl
Wow. Looks like patch 1.07 broke more than it fixed. Have you encountered any problems? I heard achievements have also been disabled in both Gog Galaxy and Steam?
It did fix quite a few things. But I faced the following bugs so far:

Potion effects reset at each cutscene of battle at kaer morhen. This happened even when I had over 1 hour left on a decoction. And since you have no way to meditate during the entire quest you are f****d on death March if you have a alchemy build. Still gotta test with other cutscenes though. Dunno if its this quest specific.

Dlc costumes switch back to default temporarily during cutscenes.

Geralt can sometime climb invisible stairs and get really high in air - some 30 ft and then suddenly fall and die (this one was hilarious for me)


In the zone
It did fix quite a few things. But I faced the following bugs so far:

Potion effects reset at each cutscene of battle at kaer morhen. This happened even when I had over 1 hour left on a decoction. And since you have no way to meditate during the entire quest you are f****d on death March if you have a alchemy build. Still gotta test with other cutscenes though. Dunno if its this quest specific.

Dlc costumes switch back to default temporarily during cutscenes.

Geralt can sometime climb invisible stairs and get really high in air - some 30 ft and then suddenly fall and die (this one was hilarious for me)
Oh man. I think I'm going to stop playing until they fix all of this. I can't risk it. Which platform are you on, Steam or Gog Galaxy and are you still unlocking achievements?


Wise Old Owl
Oh man. I think I'm going to stop playing until they fix all of this. I can't risk it. Which platform are you on, Steam or Gog Galaxy and are you still unlocking achievements?
Galaxy. And I am not near any achievements so can't really say. Unlocked whatever I did so far on previous versions.

And good things is that all quest bugs have been fixed.

Dunno about the ones mentioned in your list as I am already late game when I installed 1.07.

IMO the dlc outfit bugs are not game breaking and can be ignored. Though the potion thing is annoying. But you can still play the game.

And it is expected to have new bugs or just have hidden bugs come out. Can't really blame them. I have been doing software development long enough to know this. Software has bugs is the reason why a country like India has jobs today my friend


In the zone
Galaxy. And I am not near any achievements so can't really say. Unlocked whatever I did so far on previous versions.

And good things is that all quest bugs have been fixed.

Dunno about the ones mentioned in your list as I am already late game when I installed 1.07.

IMO the dlc outfit bugs are not game breaking and can be ignored. Though the potion thing is annoying. But you can still play the game.

And it is expected to have new bugs or just have hidden bugs come out. Can't really blame them. I have been doing software development long enough to know this. Software has bugs is the reason why a country like India has jobs today my friend

Hahaha. Well said!

Thanks bud. I think I'll keep going then :)


In the zone
Thanks for your advice with play though the campaign.... Currently escorting our little friend to Kaer Morhen... just wanted to know weather the point is passed to going to come where i will be able to go to Bald Mountain.


Wise Old Owl
Thanks for your advice with play though the campaign.... Currently escorting our little friend to Kaer Morhen... just wanted to know weather the point is passed to going to come where i will be able to go to Bald Mountain.
You still have a long long way to go my friend. Bald mountain mission is one of the last and you are like midway right now.
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