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Xposed module is not working anymore.missing gravitybox and greenify.
Is there any other app that take can control over Android Lollipop? How to change background of app drawer in launcher and keyboard color? I hate its white background.
What do you mean, "control over Android Lollipop"? To change background of app drawer in launcher, get Apex launcher. It's just like default launcher, except you can do every bit of customization, including changing icons of the individual apps. Once you install Apex Launcher, there are multiple themes to choose from.
There is no need of extra launcher/keyboard if u r using gravitybox and other modules.
my NEXUS 7 2012 (CM12 LOLIPOP 5.02) is now lags lot.Its 1 year old now, is there any way to make it faster like new one ? I have cleared cache/dalvik thru TWRP, but still slow.
Can i downgrade to Kitkat ?
Sorry to bump an old thread. Which ROM are you guys using now ? I never used a custom ROM and now willing to. The stock Lollipop is anger inducing laggy.