The Fight Thread

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Cyborg Agent
That escalated quickly...damn! I think we need another topic to fight upon. Discussing gore is making this thread a real snuff film. :p

All I can say is vegans have no right to judge non-vegans since they have never consumed meat. Also, eating vegatables also requires you to kill plants.

dont write anything until you read the whole thread..
your question has been solved >2 times buddy..


Cyborg Agent
^^ Killing plants = vegans

Killing animals = murderers?

I do understand your point, but don't you think we all commit fair share of crime, where one beats another?

I am not killing my own species and from olden days, food chain functions this way. Even if you are vegan now, you are originated from meat-eater from generations ago. So stop your moral police act and accept the Food Chain paradigm.

use the correct word budy.
we evolved..
we developed..
now we should try to be better that them or still you are a mowgli..
anyways, dont take it on heart. just expressing my views


10000 years is not a huge leap in evolution. We are still pretty primitive. Take the territorial instinct of establishing countries or the primal instinct of rapists.

when we talk about getting better,
please dont mention those Heartless , Brainless, Nerveless, Mind Dead "PRIMITIVE" in its true sense- people..

So you grew plants and kill them, makes you a saint. Where i do the same, labelled as murderer. You keep emphasizing blood, organs so people will go WTF!!. But in reality, we all do(Killing insects!!).

Also, since ripping plants is painless and involves no blood, you become good guy for earth? Now i can say WTF!!!

first think , then type..
you can give birth to cows, or any animals,??
awesome, then you can kill them.. but remember you have to first create them..

^^ Just simply putting facepalm smiley is not going to prove your point.

solved now..

First time, i agree with Nanducob. thetherminator, please answer this...

haven't you read the whole thread ??
i'have already answered that..
we can feed the cow and then indirectly help the cow create more milk and thus ghee and curd can be manufactured with that milk..

can you create a cow??
unless you are a animal cloning scientist, you cant..

Where is mastercool?

chinta mat kar..
shopping gaya tha.
here i am..
kitni fikr hai teko meri..

same thing.. "you cannot make it vanish" non-veg food :razz:

but you can atleast make a few ones more sensible to humanity, and make them more like "BEING HUMAN" than just "HUMAN BEING"

gone?? everybody ??

@ Suhrud_kumar, theserpent, rohit32407, Shah, Windows, Nanducob, sujoyp

write buddy..

write something


Not sure if anyone is going to read this (it's kinda off-topic anyway) but as a fellow lacto-vegetarian, here are my two cents on this debate:

@the terminator, mastercool8695

Let me start off by saying that I'm pretty sure you guys have good intentions; but perhaps you should realize that your posts come across as slightly patronizing. All of us vegan (and pro-vegans) must realize that to get our points across, we should avoid the holier-than-thou attitude and stop demonizing meat consumers; instead realize that these are just lifestyle choices on their part. I disapprove of my friends carnivorous culinary habits, but I know that if I brand them as ruthless parasites, it's not going to help a lot.

Instead I find that subtly appealing to their conscience is a much better way. Real life example: A friend of mine always used to pester me about my "philosophy" of veganism; considering I'm the only vegetarian in my family. So one day I took her to the nearby kasai. Poor girl still curses me for turning her vegan; at the same time she thanks me for showing her what she had merely read about. This is why I think the vegan vs non-vegan is just another case of pleasure vs pain. Are you willing to forego a significant amount of culinary pleasure, while taking solace from the fact that you are doing what you think is the right thing to do?

"..... what you think is the right thing to do?"

The above statement is why you get responses like these:

Stupid thought if you ask me. Plants do have life and we kill them so we can eat. So IMO, it doesn't matter, cause both are same.

Just my 2 cents.

Such arguments are an accurate reflection of what (many) non-vegetarians think about veganism. Veganism is, simply put, the ultimate inconvenient truth for those horrified by it's somewhat rigid requirements. It's human nature to find that one loophole to dismiss an otherwise coherent argument. You guys want to consume meat and are fine with it, not a problem with me; as I said earlier, it's your lifestyle choice. However, don't try to equate killing of plants to animal slaughter, because that argument is plain wrong. So here's my personal response to all those who say "But you guys kill plants!!!! Dirty hypocrites!!!"

In my opinion, the "killing" of plants and animals is identical from a biological perspective, but vastly different from an ethical viewpoint. It's not so much about the fact that plants and animals are killed, as it is about the circumstances in which they are killed. People defending non-vegetarianism by citing plant "slaughter" forget one critical point: plants do not feel pain. No, J.C. Bose did not prove otherwise; most (if not all) modern zoologists confirm that his experiments were far from conclusive. So are you comfortable in the knowledge that plate of chicken wings in front of you might have come from an animal who died in pain and terror, as opposed to the side dish of potato fries, whose making caused no such pain?

If and when anesthesia becomes a norm rather than the exception for animal slaughter, perhaps I will take a step back and not worry about it so much, at least I will take solace in the fact the poor animals suffered no pain. Until then, however, stuff like this will claw at my conscience, and I sincerely hope it claws at yours too.


(DISCLAIMER: Apologies @FuriousGamer for specifically quoting you; but this happens to be one of those rare times when I do disagree with you. My post is addressed towards everyone; no hard feelings, k? :))
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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Pain and terror? Then what about slaughtering animals after knocking them out? That is a wide spread practice in most countries except ours and a few others. Livestock breeders in the US use a bolt-pistol to knock an animal out before proceeding with slaughter. The animal is out cold and in a no different state than the plants that you talk about.

Edit : One more thing that I had been wondering. If a circumstance were to arrive wherein a vegan were unable to obtain edible vegetation, such as getting lost in a forest with no knowledge of edible plantation, would he turn to non-vegetarian sources of food or starve to death?


Pain and terror? Then what about slaughtering animals after knocking them out? That is a wide spread practice in most countries except ours and a few others. Livestock breeders in the US use a bolt-pistol to knock an animal out before proceeding with slaughter. The animal is out cold and in a no different state than the plants that you talk about.

Edit : One more thing that I had been wondering. If a circumstance were to arrive wherein a vegan were unable to obtain edible vegetation, such as getting lost in a forest with no knowledge of edible plantation, would he turn to non-vegetarian sources of food or starve to death?

So are you comfortable in the knowledge that plate of chicken wings in front of you might have come from an animal who died in pain and terror, as opposed to the side dish of potato fries, whose making caused no such pain?

I always knew that the "one loophole" would be found :). I said it would be okay if anesthesia becomes the norm, which it clearly isn't the case, not in our country anyway, as you yourself pointed out.

To do some nitpicking of my own, animal slaughter raises wider questions regarding animal rights. I'm referring to the conditions these animals are exposed to prior to slaughter. I think you'll agree with me that these conditions tend to be abysmal even in developed countries. But of course, who will give a damn about minor stuff like that in our country?

As for the lost-in-a-jungle-starving-to death scenario, hell, I'll turn full non-vegan to survive. Again, it's only a point in support of vegetarianism that one does not require meat to survive in most circumstances, meat-consumption is purely for culinary pleasure.
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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Agreed, quality of meat can be questionable in our country. In the US or other countries, an inspector monitors the health of livestock from time to time. In the UK, livestock are still screened for radiation in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster, to this day.


Excessive happiness
Not sure if anyone is going to read this (it's kinda off-topic anyway) but as a fellow lacto-vegetarian, here are my two cents on this debate:

@the terminator, mastercool8695

Let me start off by saying that I'm pretty sure you guys have good intentions; but perhaps you should realize that your posts come across as slightly patronizing. All of us vegan (and pro-vegans) must realize that to get our points across, we should avoid the holier-than-thou attitude and stop demonizing meat consumers; instead realize that these are just lifestyle choices on their part. I disapprove of my friends carnivorous culinary habits, but I know that if I brand them as ruthless parasites, it's not going to help a lot.

Instead I find that subtly appealing to their conscience is a much better way. Real life example: A friend of mine always used to pester me about my "philosophy" of veganism; considering I'm the only vegetarian in my family. So one day I took her to the nearby kasai. Poor girl still curses me for turning her vegan; at the same time she thanks me for showing her what she had merely read about. This is why I think the vegan vs non-vegan is just another case of pleasure vs pain. Are you willing to forego a significant amount of culinary pleasure, while taking solace from the fact that you are doing what you think is the right thing to do?

"..... what you think is the right thing to do?"

The above statement is why you get responses like these:

Such arguments are an accurate reflection of what (many) non-vegetarians think about veganism. Veganism is, simply put, the ultimate inconvenient truth for those horrified by it's somewhat rigid requirements. It's human nature to find that one loophole to dismiss an otherwise coherent argument. You guys want to consume meat and are fine with it, not a problem with me; as I said earlier, it's your lifestyle choice. However, don't try to equate killing of plants to animal slaughter, because that argument is plain wrong. So here's my personal response to all those who say "But you guys kill plants!!!! Dirty hypocrites!!!"

In my opinion, the "killing" of plants and animals is identical from a biological perspective, but vastly different from an ethical viewpoint. It's not so much about the fact that plants and animals are killed, as it is about the circumstances in which they are killed. People defending non-vegetarianism by citing plant "slaughter" forget one critical point: plants do not feel pain. No, J.C. Bose did not prove otherwise; most (if not all) modern zoologists confirm that his experiments were far from conclusive. So are you comfortable in the knowledge that plate of chicken wings in front of you might have come from an animal who died in pain and terror, as opposed to the side dish of potato fries, whose making caused no such pain?

If and when anesthesia becomes a norm rather than the exception for animal slaughter, perhaps I will take a step back and not worry about it so much, at least I will take solace in the fact the poor animals suffered no pain. Until then, however, stuff like this will claw at my conscience, and I sincerely hope it claws at yours too.


(DISCLAIMER: Apologies @FuriousGamer for specifically quoting you; but this happens to be one of those rare times when I do disagree with you. My post is addressed towards everyone; no hard feelings, k? :))

No need to apologize, if you disagree you can quote post by anyone. Now back to topic:

Plants feel no pain How can you justify this? Did plant wrote a mail to you? I strongly disagree with this. Since we can't find the truth whether they suffer pain or not, we cannot put this statement across the table. Also, i agree that non-vegan is for pure pleasure, but on other hand, a doctor preferred me mutton & fish when i was 15, as i was little bit skinny. (Till 15 i was vegan). Then my parents forced me to eat and my warden(yes, i was in hostel till my 10th std) beat me cause i was not eating meat. Then i started eating gradually and now i can eat a full chicken all by myself. Thanks to my warden to introduce me to such tasty appetite. So basically meat have higher nutritional value than plants(a little bit or high depending on what plant you are comparing...).


Wise Old Owl
No need to apologize, if you disagree you can quote post by anyone. Now back to topic:

Plants feel no pain How can you justify this? Did plant wrote a mail to you? I strongly disagree with this. Since we can't find the truth whether they suffer pain or not, we cannot put this statement across the table. Also, i agree that non-vegan is for pure pleasure, but on other hand, a doctor preferred me mutton & fish when i was 15, as i was little bit skinny. (Till 15 i was vegan). Then my parents forced me to eat and my warden(yes, i was in hostel till my 10th std) beat me cause i was not eating meat. Then i started eating gradually and now i can eat a full chicken all by myself. Thanks to my warden to introduce me to such tasty appetite. So basically meat have higher nutritional value than plants(a little bit or high depending on what plant you are comparing...).

that's not a strong argument since it depends from doctor to doctor , i was also skinny but no doctor preferred me to go non-vegan... i increased my diet gradually and took some medicines too like liv.52 ... i never thought that i wud gain weight but now i dont believe im 80 kgs... all this are not attributed to meat..and i know plenty of persons who are healthy and are vegans...
You may say that plants feel pain or not but we atleast for sure know that animals feel pain...

Not sure if anyone is going to read this (it's kinda off-topic anyway) but as a fellow lacto-vegetarian, here are my two cents on this debate:

@the terminator, mastercool8695

Let me start off by saying that I'm pretty sure you guys have good intentions; but perhaps you should realize that your posts come across as slightly patronizing. All of us vegan (and pro-vegans) must realize that to get our points across, we should avoid the holier-than-thou attitude and stop demonizing meat consumers; instead realize that these are just lifestyle choices on their part. I disapprove of my friends carnivorous culinary habits, but I know that if I brand them as ruthless parasites, it's not going to help a lot.

Instead I find that subtly appealing to their conscience is a much better way. Real life example: A friend of mine always used to pester me about my "philosophy" of veganism; considering I'm the only vegetarian in my family. So one day I took her to the nearby kasai. Poor girl still curses me for turning her vegan; at the same time she thanks me for showing her what she had merely read about. This is why I think the vegan vs non-vegan is just another case of pleasure vs pain. Are you willing to forego a significant amount of culinary pleasure, while taking solace from the fact that you are doing what you think is the right thing to do?

"..... what you think is the right thing to do?"

The above statement is why you get responses like these:

Such arguments are an accurate reflection of what (many) non-vegetarians think about veganism. Veganism is, simply put, the ultimate inconvenient truth for those horrified by it's somewhat rigid requirements. It's human nature to find that one loophole to dismiss an otherwise coherent argument. You guys want to consume meat and are fine with it, not a problem with me; as I said earlier, it's your lifestyle choice. However, don't try to equate killing of plants to animal slaughter, because that argument is plain wrong. So here's my personal response to all those who say "But you guys kill plants!!!! Dirty hypocrites!!!"

In my opinion, the "killing" of plants and animals is identical from a biological perspective, but vastly different from an ethical viewpoint. It's not so much about the fact that plants and animals are killed, as it is about the circumstances in which they are killed. People defending non-vegetarianism by citing plant "slaughter" forget one critical point: plants do not feel pain. No, J.C. Bose did not prove otherwise; most (if not all) modern zoologists confirm that his experiments were far from conclusive. So are you comfortable in the knowledge that plate of chicken wings in front of you might have come from an animal who died in pain and terror, as opposed to the side dish of potato fries, whose making caused no such pain?

If and when anesthesia becomes a norm rather than the exception for animal slaughter, perhaps I will take a step back and not worry about it so much, at least I will take solace in the fact the poor animals suffered no pain. Until then, however, stuff like this will claw at my conscience, and I sincerely hope it claws at yours too.


(DISCLAIMER: Apologies @FuriousGamer for specifically quoting you; but this happens to be one of those rare times when I do disagree with you. My post is addressed towards everyone; no hard feelings, k? :))

aw man, i just thought where have the vegans gone ....

lighter note:
one interesting thing i see that many bengalis eat fish and people say that eating fish will improve your eyesight but i have seen fish-eating bengali friends n parents wearing big pairs of spectacles since decades :-D...


Excessive happiness
^^ Well this never ending topic has to stop here. Because we both always disagree with one another's point. No one is gonna zeroed at something.

Non-vegan by choice is lifestyle and is not crime as pointed out by vegans. We all are doing fair-share of crime and we do little bit higher? Is that what you want to hear?


Lost in speed
I hate those lengthy quotes. :-x
Vegan/Non-vegan - Its your choice. Not all are same, so no need to criticize others. Just go on..


Excessive happiness
^^ We will change in few days. So enjoy till then. I find this image funny (No offense..)



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Wise Old Owl
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