Thanks to Gopher modding videos, I finally completed the basic mods I needed.
Album which I will keep updating
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PS: Not using 4K textures mainly because :
1. Too much for my gpu in long session of gaming in one stretch.
2. Not really noticeable difference between 2K and 4K after I checked in videos and myself as well in game.
Mods being used as of now. Will add some more later after searching a bit. Most likely I'l be looking for more immersion mods instead of textures mods.
PPS: For a insanely realistic but enjoyable experience, I personally recommend Frostfall + Realistic Needs and Diseases + Wet and Cold + Winter is coming + Cloaks of Skyrim + Convenient Horses mods together.
A little description for 2 immersion mods
Frostfall: Almost half of the region in Skyrim is cold and harsh. But even so in vanilla game, we used to run naked and show our swag everywhere. This fixes that. We will now feel cold if not taking appropriate measures. Our fingers and limbs will go numb in harsh conditions. This is directly reflected in the form of low stamina and its regeneration. And also, since our fingers go numb, our pickpocket and Lock picking skill will decrease as well. Quite realistic right? We will be able to set up camp fires, tents, tanning racks and what not. We will be forced to take a shelter in blizzard if not well equipped. And getting equipped here doesnt means that we can run in snow capped mountains wearing Steel armor. We will have to wear fur armors to counter cold environment. Stuff like that. Same goes with being wet/ drenched in water. We will quickly catch cold if are in wet condition and not taking time to dry out our clothes. Many more stuff which Im not even aware off. I just played 2-3 hrs only and found it immensely exciting and realistic at the same time.
Realistic Needs and Diseases: Remember in vanilla Skyrim when we didnt really care much what food we were carrying. At least in my case, I used to sell all of the edible products because there ws no need at all. When in low HP/ Stamina, there were potions which worked far better than those food products we have. I mean literally, we could finish the game but not eating a simple bread at all. Now what the hell??!? Does this dragon born run on air or something? So this mod fixes all of that. There is ton of new products and recipes added. We can also use many of the alchemy ingredients to make decent meals as well. For eg. an ingrediant known as Elves Ears (not really an elf ear, but its actually is a leaf from its plant) can be used with potable water to make Green Tea in cooking pot which will remove thirst. Or you can use Chicken egg and boil them to get boiled eggs now

There are 4 factors to watch out for. Food, Water, Diseases and Sleep. Now, we can eat raw meat to curb our hunger, but it have a slight chance that we might get contracted with some sort of illness. And thats true as well. Who wanna eat raw eat anyways. So animal meat needs to be cooked. We also can now dring from river stream now. But then again, same issue of getting an illness. So we have to either carry potable water from Inns or create a water carrying pooch from leather and stuff and carry it. But if we fill up pouch from river, then we will have to boil the water in cooking pot to make it safe. For diseases, we will have to either drink potion / get the blessings from shrine or create some food to help with this.
So... its fun to play with this mod activated. Do try this and watch the video no 7, 8, 9 for setting up these mods.