testing - finished

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Chosen of the Omnissiah
i m testing one thing....dont post here

The thread title is "testing"

Now the thread title should be "testing - 1-2-3-4"

Its working..

Lets see if it changes to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

Lets see if I'm successful or not....the title of the thread shoul be "testing - finished"....
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
Well, I was just trying to check that if we have started a thread, can we change its title by just editing its 1st post.....

It seems to work but I think there must be a specified limit of time where we can change the title....

I'll try checking after 15 more minutes.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
a section specific feature :confused::confused: not very sure about that :|
I was editing my post #4. I also don't think it is a specific section feature but it must be bound by time. I'll again edit the 1st post after 15 minutes.


Chosen of the Omnissiah

You're pretty bored, aren't you? :d :lol:
Not actually bored....:p Just trying some idiotic things.....:p

I have actually pledged to myself that I'll not play Urban Terror again in my life.....just trying to end the addiction.

Anyhow, I'll go out soon to play cricket (they <3 it) with my friends....


Result: I think you can only change the title of your thread by editting your first post for about 30-45 minutes. Then you can't. But I think the thread started should be given the right to modify the title of the thread. :)
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