Suggest Linux Distro

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The Conqueror

I Now have Downloaded Mandriva2008 as well as Ubuntu 8.04, Now I am downloading OpenSuSE11.
Can you please suggest which Linux Distro Should I Install ? I Have WindowsXP and Vista in dual boot currently.
Which Linux distro will have the most friendly GUI and the ability to customize a lot with themes etc.?

Here is my System Configuration :
Intel Pentium D 2.66Ghz
nVidia 8600GT
17" LCD Monitor


Think Zen.
All linux distros are equally customizable.
If you want a lot of themes , i'd suggest you to go for Gnome.

For starters Ubuntu and Mandriva are both good.
Although , i'd suggest Ubuntu as it has a larger community.

The Conqueror

All linux distros are equally customizable.
If you want a lot of themes , i'd suggest you to go for Gnome.

For starters Ubuntu and Mandriva are both good.
Although , i'd suggest Ubuntu as it has a larger community.
Thank you, So Should I Go with Ubunutu? As I have no experience with Linux.


Think Zen.
Yea, go with Ubuntu.
But if you dont have a net connection available , go for Mint.
Its essentially Ubuntu + all the Codecs , so you wont have to download seperately.

The Conqueror

How is OpenSuSE 11? Which distro has the best GUI?
I have broadband 512kbps available so downloading anything is no problem at all.

Also please answer this question,
I have Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 + Windows XP SP3 installed. If i install Ubuntu/or any Linux distro then will I be able to boot into Windows. Does Ubuntu boat-loader recognize Windows installation ? If not, then how to solve it ??
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^^Yes, it will recognise windows and give you option to boot in both of them as well. Though by default, ubuntu will be the default OS for you PC, which you can change in grub if you want to.


If you are looking for user-freindly distros then Ubuntu, openSUSE or Mandriva will serve you well. There is hardly any difference and they are equally good.


Think Zen.

As i already said , all distros are equally customizable.
All you have to choose is between Desktop Environments - KDE or Gnome.

How is OpenSuSE 11? Which distro has the best GUI?
I have broadband 512kbps available so downloading anything is no problem at all.

Also please answer this question,
I have Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 + Windows XP SP3 installed. If i install Ubuntu/or any Linux distro then will I be able to boot into Windows. Does Ubuntu boat-loader recognize Windows installation ? If not, then how to solve it ??
as you have Vista, so don't install GruB during Ubuntu install and use EasyBCD.

Google for "EastBCD" for more info

The Conqueror

as you have Vista, so don't install GruB during Ubuntu install and use EasyBCD.

Google for "EasyBCD" for more info
Thank you! I have successfully installed it.


As i already said , all distros are equally customizable.
All you have to choose is between Desktop Environments - KDE or Gnome.
ok,Thank You :p
If you are looking for user-freindly distros then Ubuntu, openSUSE or Mandriva will serve you well. There is hardly any difference and they are equally good.
I Shall proceed with Ubuntu,The ubuntu customization thread makes me install ubuntu. :)

Thank you all for your suggestions, Tonight I shall install Ubuntu 8.04 and see how it goes :)

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