STRONG DC++ SETUP Guidance... Anyone..!!!

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Broken In
hi people,
i need little help here regarding setting up my Strong DC++... i have already installed SDC++ and have done with few settings like setting up "sharing folder" for more than 25GB [i pressume thatz the min. GB we need to share right!!]...

now plz let me know how can i select the HUB..!!?? n wot else needs to be done..???
i stay in mumbai suburb & i'm absolute novice to this stuff...... ;-)


Broken In
man not many people use the strong DC...
in any case its generally used in a private network, like in a college campus...

u cant search for hubs, u can only ADD IP's of the hubs u know of...

head over to google to search for hubs in mumbai:

links u mite find useful are:




try dese n search for more if u like to...

anyway, i think, u shud go for torrents...they r more universal; n readily available...


Broken In
thanks for the reply dude...
will chk out these links & will also try torrents instead.........
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